
How did your grandma bribe people at the airport? Another commenter advised not to take out money and wave it around.

I left right before the collapse of the USSR and there was a lot of excitement about capitalism and democracy. Unfortunately, suddenly introducing democracy and "economic shock therapy" to a previously state run economy went about as well as you'd expect, so everyone decided those things were overrated and maybe a

Did you offer to pay for those things or did they ask you while heavily suggesting it's not optional?

A huge part of why my family emigrated was to escape the anti-Semitism. My dad is a university professor and got a job in the US, but the plan was to just go to Israel and do whatever the fuck if that did not work out. Driving a cab in Israel was a better prospect than dealing with the anti-Semitism in Russia.

What's interesting is Russian immigrants (my sample is admittedly limited) despise Putin. We left to escape Communism. We were excite to watch our homeland move towards democracy.... and now this. The people who stayed clearly seem to feel differently for the most part.

Soooo... what IS allowed in this "open" relationship? Seems like anything beyond above-the-waist making out is out of bounds; doesn't that defeat the whole idea?

And they're kind of hidden behind fleshy parts. I do not hold this against dudes.

All I could think of that's gotta have like less than 1% chance of success. Or maybe I've just only been with very sloppy dudes?

I use olive oil for almost everything, and if that's wrong, I don't want to be right.

It's tremendously important to teach men not to rape, but you know that and that's not what you're talking about.

Not much to say about cops that hasn't been said in the past couple weeks. At least when my husband had his motorcycle stolen in Oakland, the cop did not accuse anyone of wearing a short skirt. I didn't bother reporting the shit stolen out of my car when I forgot to lock it. Didn't seem worth it.

Well, there's those chastity belts, but I'm still confused on how you'd pee.

When my husband's motorcycle was stolen, the first thing all the neighbors asked was "was it locked?" He very politely explained that you can still lift a motorcycle onto a truck even if it needs to be activated by a key, and you generally don't chain it to a pole. I really wanted to say "no, the motorcycle wasn't

In theory they should be more interested in rape since the perpetrator is a hell of a lot easier to identify than a bike thief.

Well I for one am a big fan of the Santa Clara 49ers.

I don't because being "happy" is pretty much impossible. I'm not a happy person but I like my life well enough. And treating happiness as a "purpose," chasing it, is the best way to not get it. Anyway, I feel like "just not minding going through my day and having a few things to look forward to" is not considered much

Heh, I agree. I'm an atheist, I don't see a "purpose" to anything in life, I don't see the point of finding "meaning," and I don't see why any of that matters. It doesn't to me, but if it does to other people, like you said, I hope thingies like this help them.

I can tell you that playing with animals as a job is astronomically less fun than playing with animals as a hobby or even as a little petsitting side business. Not sure I'd do that again if I did it all over. I think I'd pick something I'm good at but don't really consider fun for a career.

If only sparkling water didn't taste like ass. I tried it to feed my need for carbonation my drinks.... and nope. Just nope. Tastes like the time I got a lungful of dry ice. Went back to drinking soda sparingly and savoring every sip.