
Trying to move when broke is a vicious catch-22, isn't it? The biggest way it could be worth it is if you move in with roommates, which I'm surprised wasn't mentioned. Obviously not the plan for families, although in some countries/cultures people do live with multiple families in the same house/apartment. For me, I

I really want to weigh in on the saving vs paying down debt issue. Saving for retirement instead of paying down 25% interest credit cards doesn't make sense, no. But emergency fund? Needs to be as big as you can possibly make it while reasonably paying down debt. In my line of work, I see a lot of people who have no

I used to do this. Now the answer is fortunately often "not too many!"

I had clients once who had 3 unrelated dogs who all got lymphoma. Given that these people spent thousands on chemo, I doubt they were dumping BPA into their water or something. Bad luck can happen to anyone.

Eh, I like James Franco. Or did. This is incredibly sketchy and not ok, so now he's in my "people I used to like" list and I hate putting people on that list.

I've had multiple friends in the tech/engineering tell me their company tried to institute drug testing and had to be told to be prepared to fire half the technical employees.

Huh, I was not aware of that machine. Maybe I'll give it a try.

What are the machine exercises for hip rotators? They were having me do the goofy clam exercise that I think everyone with knee pain gets exposed to. I could barely do it at first, then got up to a fairly stiff stretch band with it, but at that point it would hurt my hip in a "nope don't do this" way and pulled on my

Whoa, didn't you hear SELF magazine says it's stupid to run in tutus? Running in a prom dress is clearly borderline illegal!

I grew up watching my mom constantly calling my dad every time she wanted to buy something for herself, no matter how small, and then observing this effect in some friends who got married. My husband and I decided when we got engaged that our money would continue to stay separate with separate bank accounts. It's

I hate Self. I went through a phase where I read all these chick magazines all the time, and I found Self and its ilk were the only ones that actually made me feel bad about myself. Cosmo was just silly, and I liked looking at the clothes and makeup and reading the embarassing stories and the ridiculous sex tips. I

These people must get the vapors from things like those red dress runs and Bay to Breakers which actively encourages costumes. Everyone must run in a skintight neon shirt and capri black leggings, didncha know?

I don't know what you guys are talking about. That is a great paper for a 5th grader.

Yeah, it makes sense. I've had depression without the depressed feeling before, but it usually meant my medications weren't working properly. This particular issue is primarily triggered by work stress, which is annoying because sometimes clients perceive it as me sighing or huffing when I'm talking to them. So


I've tried this and find it intensely boring. Just can't do it. What I've found though, is when I eat while reading a book, the pleasure from both activities is synergestic.

I did some breathing training similar to that for singers as part of depression treatment. Didn't help the depression, but it stuck. But then, some years later, I developed a weird thing: I have occasional moments where I feel like I absolutely cannot get enough air in my lungs no matter how deep a breath I take, and

I've been told an absurd number of times I look exactly like Eva Green. I don't know how she is in relation to Kate Upton, but it still impressed very few people once I started talking, or not talking for that matter. I did find someone to put up with my crap, thank you match.com!

This is going to come off as a humblebrag, but if I had a nickel for every time I heard "I don't understand why you don't have a boyfriend, you're so pretty," I'd have my student loans paid off. Because I'm shy and socially awkward, ok ?!

That has been my experience from an admittedly embarassingly small sample size. I've never understood the idea of checking out limp swinging dicks - their size bears no relation to what happens when it matters.