
15-20 minutes of warmup?! I can barely manage to get more than 30 minutes total together to exercise (not including getting dressed, getting to the gym, and showering afterwards, which extends the production by quite a bit). Then again, I'm sitting here with injured knees, so there you go.


Oooh, I'm like five and a half of these. Half because I'm a pit bull fan but don't own one and never will. My husband hates dogs. Oh well. Used to be six and a half but FUCK YOU CROSSFIT.

What I don't quite understand about people being taken in by these scams (and I do feel genuinely bad for them): I wouldn't give that kind of money to someone I was dating in person. A couple hundred bucks to get someone out of a jam, maybe, sure. Thousands and thousands of dollars? That'd be when our money merges as

I just had a very joyful experience. I looked at the title and the first paragraph and thought "yes! I hate Word! Stupid Word! I need this!" and then realized I don't use Word for anything anymore other than periodic updating of my resume which is already formatted. And I love that.

I made an appointment finally and I definitely made sure she's licensed. Thanks!

Now I'm having flashbacks to when my mom kept buying me mom-jeans looking jeans in middle school and everybody made fun of me and I had no idea where to find the lower rise jeans and I just did not understand.

I get two options with my body: muffin top or pants falling off. There is no in between. Good thing they make long shirts to cover it, but I seriously do not give a shit anymore because I care more about frappucinos than getting my body fat percentage down to 12, which is probably what it would take to fix the issue.

Or doesn't offer a 401(k)!

Huh. Counterpoint to the earlier thing about doing what you love.

Interesting. I'm one of these medical professionals potentially interested in the computer field. One of my coworkers recently finished some type of IT degree or other though and I really wonder if he'll be able to find a job with his zero experience although he's had some interviews. It does seem like he was sold a

Phone apps (games in particular) are a big one for me. If it's under $10, which the vast majority are, I just think "oh it's just whatever!" but they certainly add up.

Thanks for this article! I've been thinking about getting a massage for some weird nagging shoulder pain I've had that started with a pulled muscle. The unfortunate thing is I really don't trust anyone to mess with my body like that so I've been sitting on the idea for weeks.

Not weird. I love all my stuff and want more. I don't care that I probably will never re-read most of my books, I like having them. My husband collects guitars. Our little apartment is bursting at the seams, and someday we'll get a bigger one. It would take some pretty catastrophic life changes for me to get rid of my

Yep. I've talked multiple times with my husband about ditching cable. The conversation always fizzles out because we both like watching sports and hate watching it at bars. A couple times he's even said "you know, you're right. We're spending way too much money on it, and really just for ESPN. There's nothing else

The Joneses in my life are cheapskates who are under crushing student loan debt, make little money, or both. I know a couple spendy people, but everyone's generally proud of their old beater cars and the deal they got at Target on a thing they wanted for a long time. I actually feel kinda guilty sometimes that I spend

I totally ended up going to a few of those at a sad, desperate time in my life. I haven't looked at newspaper classifieds since that time.

Try working in an industry comprised 90% of small businesses with less than 10 employees. My last interview consisted of the business owner telling me about an iPad he got with an equipment purchase, apologizing for how tiny his building is, noticing my ring and asking what my husband or wife did for a living (not

I've definitely been discriminated against based on this. And it's frustrating because I live in an area where seemingly everyone commutes, which is exactly why the commute is so bad, yet employers don't want someone who commutes, so where are all these people going?!