
I always read these articles with great interest, and then realize my only debt is mortgage-sized student loans. Half my income goes to it. I actually probably could pay more if I wanted to, but I'm already on the ten year plan and well, just don't want to. Most of my classmates with similar loads are using IBR or the

I'm taking a break from playing that damn game right now by looking for some other games... as if I won't come right back to it. What I do hate is that I'd be willing to pay more money for it (after all, puzzle games for a console are what, $30?), but they make so much more money with their model there'll never be a

I picked up the first one to see what the fuss was about, and it took me about 400-500 pages to truly get into it. It was kind of "well this is decent but I don't see what all the fuss is about... little over halfway through... ooooh I see!" Enjoy.

He already read it. It's hard to stay on top of his Stephen King addiction!

Random anecdote time! I bought Doctor Sleep for my husband as a "random love you" gift and his mom got mad at me because she bought it for him for Christmas and didn't have the receipt. So I had to send it back. And now I'm out of ideas!

I live around here and didn't know that. I also love that it's named "Lou Seal" which makes just makes me think of this:

And if you have no passengers and are not listening to music, you get bored, which causes impairment in and of itself. God I hate driving.

I personally consider them a different kind of debt if that makes sense... the interest rate is lower than credit card debt, and if you hit a rough patch in your life, the government is a far easier creditor to work with than Capital One. Plus they were used to purchase something of value (well, in some cases) rather

I have a coworker who's pretty self conscious about her five finger forehead. So she's worn bangs all her life. Works for her.

Oh my god, fuck the muffin top thing. I always have a muffin top. I spent an embarrassing amount of money on a pair jeans that fit like god himself came down from the heavens and painted them on my ass, and guess what? Muffin top. If I don't have a muffin top, it's because my pants are falling off. Conveniently, it's

Aside from the issue of "when is this hypothetical coffee drinker waking up?" I question the assertion here that people are most alert immediately or shortly after waking up. Back when I worked in the daylight like a normal person, I was dragging until damn near noon. Which is part of why I went to working nights, but

I don't really want to burn extra calories while at work. I'd rather run the marathons.

Trail running, yes. I cannot run on concrete more than two miles anymore. I also learned a really bizarre and bad lesson about a year ago when I started getting Achilles pain while training (on concrete) for the Warrior Dash, ran the race anyway (not letting that $70 registration go to waste!), and this cured the pain

Your left leg might just be dominant. If your body preferentially puts more weight on it, it's more likely to get hurt. My right leg is more prone to injury as I tend to favor it. Oddly though my left leg is stronger, but I prefer using my right side.

I think that would mostly result in closing of for-profit institutions. Those have a default rate of 50% or higher. I'd be all for that, actually.

There's this fallacy a lot of people experience of "if I did it, everyone else can too, and if they don't it's their fault." People don't want to accept just how much of their lives is due to chance and circumstance because that implies they have less control than they think they do... can't have that.

For some reason people just prefer buying stuff they've seen a picture of. I put up a mattress on craigslist and had no takers. Queen size, four years old, nothing. Then I took the shittiest picture ever of it - gone in a day.

10 days? LOL. A lot of people would kill for 10 days. I get 5. A lot of people get zero.

I love trotting out this story a little too much, but I totally went on a date with a fake geek guy once. Online dating site. I got this impression that he loved to read, but then it turned out that he read LotR and Harry Potter only, only because he liked the movies, and literally had not read anything else for fun