
When I was at Cedar Point, a guy in front of me got kicked off a ride because he was too big. They were as polite as possible about it and really apologetic, and he was gracious as well. I have a friend who knows he's too big to ride some rollercoasters. It's a bit of a sore spot with him, but still goes to the parks

I accidentally did that to someone when I was a kid (asking where they're from when they just have an unusual speech pattern), and have never asked anyone about their accent since. I felt like an ass.

Ugh, yes! I'm Russian too and I really hate when people start pestering me about it. My accent is very faint, but some people pick up on it more than others. The problem is I'm so sick of having the same damn conversation all the time. It goes like this "where are you from?" "Russia" "Where in Russia?" "St Petersburg"

Who ARE these people?! I've never had a pedicure in my life or any commentary on my feet. I'd be massively creeped out by the latter.

I not only massively love flip-flops, I feel bad for the flip-flop haters. They're over there sweating and suffering in their cute fancy shoes, and my feet are free and comfy. They don't even know what they're missing, I don't think. And pfff to the whole thing about them being soooo baaaad for your feet. If you

I was actually disappointed that this was about diva cups because I was hoping for some new tips on getting perfectly legitimate blood stains out of white lab coats and scrubs... gallon of hydrogen peroxide and the cold wash seem to work pretty well, but some residue gets left behind.

I know exactly what I want to do with my life, but nothing I can do will pay as much as what I do now. Which wouldn't be a big deal except for those @#&^%%%!!! student loans. 8.5 more years, then I'm FREE. I'm practically marking individual days on my calendar.

That is my dream home though. Room for all my books and high spaces for the cats. I want nothing but shelves!!!!

Poe's law strikes again.

Yay reversed gender roles! These articles make feel guilty as hell cause I'm the sloppy jerk, and I bet they'd piss him off if he actually read them. We keep our finances separate, and I'm kinda the idiot there too. But I do all the planning/coordinating for everything. Actually, just as I wrote that, all my

I'm the slob in our relationship, and all three theories above describe why. The floor needs to be vacuumed? Huh? If you say so, ok, I'll do it. Waaaah I don't want to take out the kitty litter it's heavy boooo. And no, I can't do the laundry when I'm working 80 hours that week. And not even in the same town.

Yeah, they're kinda gross. It's all about Nutty Bars for me. Little Debbie snacks are cheaper and better than Hostess snacks were.

So much hate here and yet I still want to see it. If only because I enjoy going out to the movies and this is the first thing that's remotely interested me in months. Too busy for the next few weeks though.

$70 million opening though, especially in March, means more than just that the competition is ass. Usually when the competition is poor, the top movie makes $20 million ish. If that. A lot of times the top movie in January makes something like $10 million. It means people liked it and texted their friends that they

It's not quite as bad as it sounds because I only work 12 shifts a month and goof off the rest of the time, but I try not to let the exercise lapse. The advice is to exercise but not at the expense of sleep. Sometimes I wake up early enough but feel too nauseous and weird to go jogging. Made it today though!

Forcing myself to exercise when working 14-hour graveyard shifts is really freaking difficult. I'm going to die at 50 of shift worker syndrome.

Yeah, but people kind of agreed that taking the name of a Native American group or nation and using it as a mascot for your team is not ok.

It is all circled on my calendar and everything.

I have a vet degree and thought about going back for a PhD in wildlife because that's what I'm interested in and I don't like my job poking puppies with needles. However, after much thinking, I decided against it. I'm older, and I don't know if I want to committ 5-6-7 years of my life to that project. And right now,

My husband and I were apart (Michigan and California) for three and a half years before we moved in together and got married. I'm currently looking into a career change that might split us up again, and he's cool with it. It's unlikely to work out anyway, but we'll deal with it if it does. And yeah, it's rough, but if