I'm perpetually amazed that in the age when so many colleges have either been forced to or voluntarily renamed their Native American mascots, we still have the Redskins and the Blackhawks. Also, wtf is "ethnic bias"? That's a new one for me.
I'm perpetually amazed that in the age when so many colleges have either been forced to or voluntarily renamed their Native American mascots, we still have the Redskins and the Blackhawks. Also, wtf is "ethnic bias"? That's a new one for me.
Never heard it. I rarely listen to pop or country deliberately, and I didn't go out much from 2009 - 2011.
They used to post a lot of set photos for Gossip Girl on this site, and the girls wore Uggs and similar boots in a lot of them when they were doing waist-up shots. I guess that wasn't an option on the SATC set?
I actually had to look up what antebellum meant, and I agree with you. I'm also mystified by how Banana Republic continues to be called that without anyone raising an eyebrow, so we may have to let it be.
His mouth says he really likes you, but his actions say otherwise. Also, why make plans on "school nights" if you know you may have to work late or it's typically a thing? I frequently get stuck at work and avoid making definite plans for days I work. He's tired, wants a nap, ok - you can set alarm clocks for naps…
This is close to what I pictured, but I pictured more of a shaggy-haired surfer-dude look. I actually had a surfing instructor after reading the books who looked exactly like Finnick did in my head.
It's kind of an old term I think. It doesn't get used a whole lot anymore.
That's the problem I have with those office contests - if you don't need to lose weight, you can't (or shouldn't) participate. I dunno, weight loss is such a fraught issue for some people, turning it into a contest at work seems like not the best idea.
Yeah, seriously. I had this roommate who got really angry that no one else in the house did much cleaning. I was guilty along with everyone else (am a slob, started living by myself shortly after so other people didn't have to deal with it). She would bake brownies and leave them out with a note saying that if you did…
That's usually my MO until I find that my scrubs for some reason got their stupid selves all wrinkled again and I gotta go to work in 20 minutes. They're essentially pajamas you wear to work, and yet it's still frowned upon to look like you slept in them.
Well, if you don't have the background knowledge and only read what Tracie wrote, that's exactly the impression you get, since she conflates visceral fat with FUPA fat. This is the problem with the writing on this site - you shouldn't have to read the source article to make sure you're not being misled, and the point…
Yeah, it's hard for me to get worked up about stuff like this as progress, given that actual progress would be getting rid of the monarchy altogether.
Does she have a dog though? What kind of dog is it? Are there many dogs or just one dog? Now I really want to know about this royal dog.
Does she have a dog though? I feel like if there was a royal dog we'd be hearing about it all the time. Or not. I really don't know.
Yeah, I was really really looking forward to it and was quite disappointed with it too. Ah well.
Yep. And then they get pissed when I glare at them and yell something about "trying to be nice".
I'm married to a redhead too! I wish I had red hair myself, it's always been my favorite hair color. Although then I'd fry in the sun even faster.
The mice in the study had their actual visceral fat removed. AFAIK, this is not something done in humans.
I must be odd because I never liked Ygritte.