
YES! I was really upset when Winterfell was burned, as much or more as any of the deaths.

They dirtied up Gwendolyn Christie really well, so I imagine they'll do a decent job. He's certainly not described as handsome in the books.

I was actually waiting for something bad to happen to Robb because there was no way he would get away with snubbing the Frey's like that. Catelyn upset me. But what bothered me by far the most was that they slaughtered Robb's entire army at a wedding holy shit

RW is episode 9. It is known.

Heh, I'm the opposite. I'm so non-confrontational online, mostly because I tend to steam about stupid comments made directly in response to me, and I don't want to deal with it. Although I just "yelled" at someone for the first time today in the comments on this article, because what they said was that idiotic.

I was wondering if there was some kind of principle I had to look up there!

Do you go around saying that to everyone who felt vested in the election results? Because that's pretty much everyone who voted, which is usually around 50% of the population in our country.

And then it was a hilarious night after Karl Rove had his conniption and started doing the math you do as a republican to make yourself feel better.

Dude, none of these articles ever say what the joke actually was! I missed it! Had to do some googling. Also, Taylor Swift looks like an elf. Not so much in that picture, but in general.

Hah, I totally have a secret fondness for Kristen Stewart because of this. There's plenty of other bad actresses out there, not fair to single her out.

It's perfectly possible I am talking out of my ass, having never been a cubicle worker. I imagine he means working in a highly focused manner on a project, rather than dragging it out - the "elite" violinists' two intense sessions a day (described in the link) vs spreading stuff out the whole day. I think he's also

This applies in no way to people whose job is dictated by customers who walk through the door and give you things to do of varying complexity that must be done immediately. I'm actually fairly efficient at this deal because I like going home, but it can be extremely overwhelming and some days you've got your thumb up

Crazy book ladies unite! It is bugging the shit out of me that my Game of Thrones books are paperbacks except for the most recent one, and I've given serious thought to buying the paperback so they all match.

The school one is interesting. When I was in grad school, everyone asked each other where they went all the time mostly out of curiosity. Also a full third of the class went to the same university for undergrad, so the people who didn't wanted kindred spirits. In one of these conversations this girl said "I went to

My husband is an academic in a field that used to be male dominated but is achieving gender parity. Nobody seems to care about the grad students or postdocs having kids. There are so many things that can trip up or slow down your research, time out for childbirth is just another roadblock.

The more I think about it, the more I think "Um, she meant Harry Potter DUH", but I think I interpreted it as Fifty Shades is that much worse than the others. I'm a negative person.

That was my first thought. And when I first read it I was like "everyone masturbates twice a day? what have I been doing?!" and then it clicked. Also "per day" is not a good unit - I'm sure for a lot of people it's a weekly thing but not a daily thing. Given that this was done by a center that treats people for

I assumed she meant Fifty Shades. Maybe this could be a personality test - make that list and ask people which of those is not like the others.

It actually sounds really fun. But how does one get hooked up with that?

I loved those books so much. I felt kinda guilty reading them, because they weren't "serious", and my parents gave me a really hard time. I had an english class where we were supposed to just read for ourselves and track it, and I never put those down because I thought they weren't "real books" for the purposes of