
Good luck. I've tried to flounce from Jezebel at least 4 times now, and I keep getting roped back in. Mostly because I read io9 as well.

Me and my friends have made the joke many times about knocking ourselves out with our boobs, and I can see why an ad exec would think it'd be clever to run with it. The execution really does look creepy though. Not sure how to visually represent that concept with uncomfortable implications.

I could barely start it, I was annoyed by the headline. And yet here I am in the comments.

Why is having fun mutually exclusive with paying your own bills?

It's boring and unpleasant. I find strength training even more boring and unpleasant. My sport is rock climbing, but there's not enough cardio in that. The running is for being able to hike long distance and climb stairs and eat cookies. I really like the results, so I keep doing it, but I don't see myself ever truly

I hope to god this article is meant to be tongue in cheek, and I read it that way. Neither me or anyone I know does any of the above.

They have cheapo off-brand versions at Wal-Mart. My husband wears the Wal-Mart brand to play hockey and has been pleased.

It sounds like you need a better instructor. I had a friend who was very overweight, and she loved yoga. There's definitely non-judgemental instructors out there, and places that cater more to people who aren't bendy sticks.

Have you tried the fancy wicking fabric Under Armour whatever shirts? I know gigantic sweaty dudes who say those things changed their lives.

I am reading this article while procrastinating on running. I hate running so much, with a bitter passion. It's so miserable. But it's the only exercise that's ever worked for me for losing weight, keeping it off, revving up my metabolism enough to keep weight off while eating nearly as much as I want, and producing

Yes, which is why it amuses me so much, and he even understands that concept. He won't take the big cost cutting measures like getting rid of cable, although we both have the huge cost saver of not having a car payment. We eat out a lot, have nice things... but we are not overpaying for grocery commodities dammit!

I feel like some women have some kind of natural knack for it and some (me!) just do not. I have trouble with curling irons too. And anything I do to my hair, I get so frustrated doing the back. Can't seem to contort myself right. So I just let it hang straight. Oh well.

am I just supposed to take a stab at someone who doesn't have a deal breaker and see if our conversations are fulfilling or not? Yep. It's that simple. You either find yourself bored, or find yourself excited to get the person's emails, then offer to meet them for coffee or something similarly non-threatening. Then

He talked to you about his ex when you guys were in bed together? UGH. Good riddance, although it sucks pretty bad that this was your first love/sex experience.

I got the "Cooking for Dummies" book a long time ago. It was helpful. But really, just grab a cookbook that advertises itself as easy, and start making some recipes! Cooking isn't as hard as it looks, although it can be intimidating. Once you're happy with the easy recipes, work your way up.

I would argue that purging after a meal, ever, is never normal. Your case may be more mild than someone purging after every meal, but I think you should really talk to someone about this. I don't think there's anything wrong necessarily with going cookie crazy once in a while, but there's healthier ways to compensate

That's depressing :(

Men were a disaster when I was that age, and that was during a boom time. Keep the hope alive!

I am, but I'm not sure how you would deduce that.

Thanks Katie, now I have Tick Tock stuck in my head. Again.