You must be in your early twenties. They acquire those things eventually, I promise. It's harder in the current economy. If I'm wrong and you're late twenties plus, I'm sorry for the area you live in!
You must be in your early twenties. They acquire those things eventually, I promise. It's harder in the current economy. If I'm wrong and you're late twenties plus, I'm sorry for the area you live in!
I'm basically seeing "nice, decent person" with some requests for very generic interests (food, travel, cats). It's not like she is looking for a tall french-speaking architect with dark hair who has run a marathon.
That almost describes my husband if you replace violin with guitar and base jumping with rock climbing. I'm the multi-lingual one in the relationship. Somehow, living with him and his dirty socks and B horror movies all the time, he's a lot less fancy than that makes it sound.
Thanks for the deep insight, but considering I've gotten along with underlings everywhere before and after that place, I'm pretty sure it was in large part them. It really is possible to assemble a group of 8-10 incompetent petty bickering worthless employees. And once the business gets in that hole, it's very…
I wanted to ask them to consider firing the staff instead and hiring competent people, but decided to stay professional. I checked back on yelp reviews for that place a few months later, and there were multiple customers complaining about how awful the staff was.
Angela Jerk-el?
My husband obsesses about this. We must get the toilet paper that's 2.5 cents a sheet not 3 cents a sheet!!!!
I read somewhere that something like 43% of people deliberately lower their performance when working with a toxic person. I hate myself for falling into that trap. There was another woman there who was brilliant at sucking up to the psychopath and did very well for herself. I'm still in the career path at least, can't…
Also, not all Russians like vodka. I hate it, and get really tired of the yuks yuks I get when I say so. It does not help that I like white russians the drink. Which do contain vodka, but I will not drink that stuff straight.
Me too. If people don't like my snarky negative humor we don't get along. I get a lot of amusement out of my negativity.
I wanted to make one, but I don't want to get in trouble for stereotyping a culture. And really shouldn't. Refraining.
Yelling and name-calling obviously, but I'd also include weird creepy undermining and gaslighting. Although despite having suffered under a truly evil boss, I'm still torn about the idea of this being a thing, the same way other commenters have mentioned.
Lol. I worked at a place where pretty much the whole staff were complete idiots. I got fired for being mean. Good riddance to that job, but I've been more patient with stupid people since. They're just everywhere. I make sure they don't get any important tasks as much as possible.
I would have loved to have recourse against the literal psychopath I worked for.. but one of my biggest regrets in professional life is not sucking up to that horrible woman. I hated her so much and kind of acted out, undermining both her and myself. The worst part was I even got her to like me and then squandered…
What are you referring to?
I'm 32, and have a wicked streak of grey that is a constant reminder of the hardest year of my life. I don't feel "old" at all. I'm actually a bit boggled that I still have 30-ish years of working life ahead of me. It used to feel like such a prison term, but I've learned to like (nah, love!) my job, so as long as…
Hmm. If he was otherwise attractive and had a good personality, I'd probably get used to it. It's hard for me to really imagine though; the guys I've met who were shorter than me were only shorter by a few inches and I didn't feel like I was towering over them.
I can never figure out if these people actually believe what they say or if they just really enjoy riling everybody up. Either way is kinda messed up. I just scrolled through this guy's comments and there's no way he means it.... right? right?
Aaaaargh after the finale I'm having a hard time getting excited for more Downton Abbey. But goddamn I love that dress in the top picture.