
I resisted help for a long time for the reasons you describe, and kept going on and off meds. Once I found the right medication though, it really and truly was life changing. I've gotten through things that would have destroyed me before. I actually still rather hate psychiatrists and don't get along with them very

He came up with one, so it's all good. Given that he's never given me a reason to mistrust him in eight years, I'm not questioning it.

He came up with one half an hour ago. Since he's never given me any reason to mistrust him, I believe it.

Yeah, the expiration date is what made me think it was recently purchased. But he remembered taking it on a trip with me a couple years ago. I really have no reason to doubt the story.

He remember taking the bag on a romantic trip we took a couple years ago. We ended up using the ones I brought. Relieved.

Ok we just talked on the phone and he had a reasonable explanation and it's all over and everybody's happy. Back to my scheduled programming of killing time before work.

She's cute, I'm going to steal her from the picture.

LMAO! Unused condom in a duffel bag... the thing is, I'm pretty sure it's not one of ours and was purchased recently (I can tell with my mind powers ok?), and I'm also pretty sure no one ever uses that bag. He's never taken it anywhere we've gone together. I took it because he stole my duffel bag to go on a trip and I

You must be very pretty! I used match.com a long time ago and that was how I met my husband (er, ignore my other post in this thread.....), and I got really sick of messaging glut, although it wasn't quite as bad as what you describe. I changed my profile to something really snarky (anyone dating me needs to be cool

Woah, that's brilliant.

All right ladies. The advice around here tends to trend toward DTMFA, and I'm really not looking for that, but I just feel this need to scream into the ether. I found something that could very easily be construed as evidence of cheating, but doesn't really prove anything, and I'm kind of freaking out. I've always

Ohmigosh how big is that kitty?!

OMG that gif. I feel like that so much of the time.

I'm actually Russian and people think I'm German or Italian. Strange.

I really liked that movie, my husband pronounced it a rip-off of other better movies. Regardless, I've noticed I like those sorts of movies a lot more when they are told from the guy's perspective. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind comes to mind (doh) as well. I'm trying to imagine 500 Days of Summer with the

same here, just replace "dog" with "cat".

Fucking seriously, this was the last place I expected to see this, after making it through my facebook feed unscathed. And some of us were working a graveyard shift last night and hadn't seen it yet. Oh well, at least I still don't know what happened on the Walking Dead.

Also fuck math. I'm pretty sure the skin is still bigger.

I don't know, man. The spleen has rights!

I came in here all ready to get angry, and now I feel so deflated.