
Huh, I didn't know Ritalin has been around for that long.

I kind of figured that song was meant to be dark and ironic? I've only heard it a few times though, haven't seen the video, and never heard him say anything about it. If he's just proud of "waiting on the world to change", then screw that.

I also love that this keeps coming up. My virgin-at-21 years are far behind me, but it's just nice to know I never was any kind of freak of nature, you know?

I was 21, although I wasn't the last of my friends. What's funny is it was such a Huge Deal at the time, and now (33) it really doesn't matter at all. I've also been with very few people, and that I'm still kinda embarrassed to admit, but it really doesn't matter much either. People have different feelings about sex;

I think it's totally normal and healthy, but I don't like it for us. Or rather, I don't like the scenario where one goes out and one stays home. We're both equally introverted, so that doesn't come up. I frequently work nights and weekends, so I really don't like it if I'm around but then he takes off without me. I

I was about to say that's the font I used for my wedding invitation, but I think that was actually Lucida Handwriting. I do like that font though. Maybe I have no taste.

LMAO, so true. I'm perpetually amazed by how tiny his boxers are when I do our laundry. I also have the perpetual trauma of weighing the same or slightly more than him. When I went on Weight Watchers, he did it with me kinda by default, and lost more weight than I did. I told him that if I'm on a diet, he has to eat

My thoughts as I read and clicked on this headline "Ooooh please tell me this is going to be a Tudors type Showtime thing and not a miniseries on Lifetime.... oooooh."

But what will I do with common household items if I don't have suggestions from Cosmo about incorporating them into sex?!

It's ok, if I hadn't gotten that far I probably would have just been confused. It's season 3 now, all that stuff is fair game.

I've been watching the back catalog and just today got past where that's not a spoiler and now I'm dead of laughing.

Yeah. There's no way the producers would leave anything like this to chance.

Yeah, it's really annoying. Ok, it's supposed to be satire, har har, but it gets old. At some point you wonder whether they actually mean the insult and are hiding behind the sarcasm.

I've eaten cake deliberately made to look like a cat's litterbox. This would not work for me at all.

Michigan consistently hovers around being one of the most obese states in the nation. I'm from MI, and people talk about it sometimes. I looked up the interview... her comment isn't off the mark - yes, there's more overweight people in Detroit than elsewhere, and that's probably what she was referring to. But I can

There's like this whole world of dude discomfort that must be out there and is never talked about. Women will freely complain about our bras and underwires and spanx and tampons and whatever, and it's a taboo to talk about the man version of these things until someone designs some silly looking pants.

But so many dudes ride bikes in their jeans... I always imagine it kind of flopping to the side, but it still seems uncomfortable.

I'll take the comfortable "companionate" love of my marriage any day over the initial stages. There's nothing like the feeling of knowing you'll grow old together with someone (barring disasters, etc).

Honest question: what was Detroit-gate 2013? I remember Arfin-gate.

Ok, while we're answering serious questions: where does it go when you ride a bicycle? Cause THAT seems really uncomfortable.