
"crouch without the ouch" cracks me up. I had no idea crouching was ouchy for dudes.

I've noticed women with big rocks develop an odd way of holding their fingers out that accommodates it.

Online. I think he just did a google search for "ruby engagement ring" after I told him what I wanted. One of my friends completely flipped out at the idea of buying gemstones sight unseen online and he was like "you know you can send things back and it's ok."

I wish I could have afforded to serve lentils at my wedding instead the Cheapest Caterer in Town that we got. I don't think anyone cared though.

I don't very often, but I've been reading the unemployment stories series. I need stop reading the comments on the unemployment series though, if I know what's good for me.

You made me go over there and look at the trainwreck. Dear god.

I met my husband on match.com. I'm obviously very pro-online dating, but it's a matter of luck as much as anything else. Good luck!

If I were gigantic-closet rich, I would travel all the time. Everywhere. All over the place. And hire someone to watch my cats while I'm gone. The cats totally just crawled into my constant-travel fantasy.

There was something just so luridly fascinating about that case. I felt kinda dirty following it but could not help myself. And I still remember her getting acquitted on my birthday. Good lord, self.

I used to read Maxim for funsies. They had a little sidebar thing once on how to shrink heads. Shit like that was why I picked it up. I still felt like I had to take a shower after flipping through it, but hey, I learned how to shrink heads!

Mother May I Sleep With Danger! I swear that's always on.

I like the paragraph about gender-neutral vs "men's" stuff and magazines. I used to read Outside a lot. There's a lot of stuff in there that I was interested in, but it had this not-quite-subtle way of being a "men's magazine". They don't advertise as such, but when they do their "greatest athletes of the year/in

I was in the "honors college" at my school, and there was a dance every year for the members that people called "geek prom". It had silly themes of the type high school dances have. One year a group of people hijacked it for a "pimps and hos" theme and got a lot of people in on it. My, the administration was PISSED.

It's gotta be a tough life when your opinion of half the human race diminishes every time one of us likes a crappy show or makes a questionable life choice. Particularly if that's the half you're sexually attracted to.

There was some other dude commenting on that Carrie Diaries post about how stuff like that lowers his opinion of women. I assumed it was the same one, but it's not. What's with this particular brand of troll?

I do. It's the same basic flowers-chocolate-nice-restaurant stuff every year, but it's nice and I look forward to it.

So what would the distinction be? (Just asking in a non-argumentative fashion, can't convey tone over the internet....)

That reminds me of how Margaret Atwood keeps insisting she doesn't write science fiction. Except Margaret Atwood is a good writer.

Perhaps that speaks to bitchyolympian1's point that if a man writes it, then it's "literary". To be fair, I haven't read any Nicholas Sparks novels, and have only seen The Notebook, but his stuff seems to appeal to pretty much the same readership.

Yeah, it's why I haven't done it. You can save for the tax bill, but that's still fairly difficult and a lot of money to save up. The IRS does do payment plans, but then you're still in debt! If I ever have to take a massive pay cut (which I will if I get my dream job), I'll have to do it, but otherwise no way. My