
I totally assumed Sydney Sheldon was a woman. My bias is showing.

Ya know, I was about to try to explain it, and fuck it, it makes no sense, does it? I just find that man's success mystifying in so many ways.

Don't forget the forgiven debt is taxable income. Which can be brutal depending on what it ends up being.

I keep hearing this thing about how only women are allowed to write romance... is Nicholas Sparks the exception that proves the rule then?

The problem is taking studies that say "most men" "prefer" straight hair and extrapolating it to "you must have straight hair to snag a dude". A lot of the men who prefer straight hair won't reject a curly girl if they like other things about her, and it's not like they hate her hair anyway. Same with shoes. My

Argh, what is with the shite about boats and "women and children first"? I'm with the 62-year-old lady that "big crewmen" shouldn't have been pushing past her, if that's how it went down. I like to think that in that situation I would help the elderly, children, and disabled of any gender, before saving my own

I'd totally buy it! And I'm Jewish, so it's totally okay.

Every time I hear the word "ladies" I get "baby got back" stuck in my head.

At your uncle's pizza place? Does this person just go around shaming people for their life choices everywhere? If this happened at some kind of feminist rally or meeting or something it'd still be lame, but at a pizza place?! Good grief, it must be painful going through life so angry at everyone's choices.

Um, yeah. Pretty much everyone I went to college with is all over the country and even the world. I moved away from my hometown. Some people I still keep in touch with, most I don't. Facebook makes it easier to keep track of what everybody had for lunch, but only if they actually use it, so that leaves out a

With you as well. I've never had a guy ask me to, but my "number" is embarrassingly low. I'm really glad I'm not dating anymore, since this has become some big thing in the past several years and apparently you can now scare men off with your bush.

I once took a 4 inch long strip of skin off my shin with a disposable razor by pushing too hard. It wasn't a blunt blade that was the issue, but letting a blade go blunt too long, and pushing just as hard with a new sharp one. I was 12, and my mom freaked out and forbade me to shave my legs. That made for a fun

I have this friend who is extremely pro-life but otherwise super awesome. She told me she used to vote Republican because of that issue, then realized abortion was never going away and the rest of the Republican platform sucks, so votes Democrat now. I decided not to discuss with her all the ways abortion is

No probs. I made some small complaint about my husband about a few weeks back, and everyone piled on saying he was emotionally abusive and I need to leave him or seek counseling at the least. The response to your comment is just like that. I think people are genuinely trying to be helpful and concerned but it's easy

I'm a die-hard Oxford comma devotee. You will pry it from my cold dead hands. My first language is Russian, and we are comma-obsessed people. It took me a while to stop using too many commas. I also tend to write really long sentences, and then get into arguments with people about whether they are run-on sentences or

Lol. Ooh, I have another question for someone well-versed in grammar: Where does punctuation go when I want to close an apostrophe? I think a period goes on the outside of an apostrophe, "like this". But what if it's an exclamation or question mark? "Like this?" I feel like I need a period before moving on to the

I used to love SATC, and watched a few episodes when I was laid up with that mutant flu and there was a marathon on whichever channel it was. Dear god that show did not age well. I was aware and forgiving of its flaws at the time, but now all I can see are the flaws and Carrie's awful clothes. Needless to say, I'm

Dear god, I'm so glad I'm married to a man who does not care about this. I'd be terrified to be in the dating world now. I am not comfortable with messing with the hair down there, and it seems like it just straight up expected these days. Which seems like a new thing in the past several years. Uck.

I think by "straight edge", he means the group of people that don't drink/do drugs. It was a movement a while back, although I thought "straight edge" people were extremely religious. IIRC "straight edge" meant piercings and other trappings of "badness", but the people were very religious and did not drink.

Even with the fat jokes taken out, that movie looks incredibly unfunny. But I just don't go in for that style of comedy in general.