I agree, but I hated that movie in general. Like, want-those-two-hours-of-my-life back hated.
I agree, but I hated that movie in general. Like, want-those-two-hours-of-my-life back hated.
Your last sentence is interesting. I'm a very light drinker, and alcohol is the only thing I've ever experienced peer pressure about. Don't want a joint? Whatever, more for me. Don't want E? Whatever, more for me. Don't want to drink today? What the hell is wrong with you?! It's really aggravating. As I've gotten…
I've wondered about me and my husband's compatibility a number of times before we got married, because our tastes frequently don't line up and we frequently do the thing where we go to a movie or an event for the other person's sake. However, we share values that are present in 5% or less of the population,…
What does that mean? I am very serious about my grammar (no sarcasm) and don't know what that means or what's wrong with that sentence.
In case you're feeling bad, I'm going to dissent from everyone else who is telling your boyfriend is a control freak, because all I see is this tiny snippet of your relationship that looks bad and know nothing about the rest of it. Maybe he is, maybe he isn't. What he's doing there does sound annoying though. Tell him…
I hide people instead of unfriending them. Although I went through a big cull a while back and cut out a bunch of former classmates. Not out of dislike, more out of "do I really care about this person's doings? Nah." Then someone started a facebook group for our class which was actually fun and useful. Then a bunch of…
I dunno, Berkeley can be just as bad. Oakland is where it's at. Just not West Oakland.
I lived alone when I couldn't afford to. My rent was about 65% of my income, it was a tiny studio with poor insulation, I ate a lot of ramen noodles and weird things I can't remember anymore, I couldn't afford cable or an internet connection, and it was SO WORTH IT. Me and roommates is disaster.
I'm Jewish, and I would expect you to laugh if I made a joke about my Jew gold. I have a good gentile friend who frequently cracks inappropriate jokes at me, and I laugh and it's fine. I don't care. My biggest thing is that you get to know me first. If you say something about "Jew gold" the day you meet me, you're…
There's room for all equids in my heart.
The eagle egg-abortion thing has been around for a while. I remember an editorial cartoon in my college paper 15 years ago with that same concept.
I don't hate-watch tv, but I do hate-read books sometimes. When I read Twilight, my thoughts were basically, "my this is terrible... ok, a few more pages... truly awful... a few more pages... this book sucks, I need to get back to studying... few more pages...." I just finished another YA book that was quite terrible…
My excuse with pop music is that it's for jogging. I need up-tempo music to work out to, but I'm extremely picky about it. So there's three Katy Perry songs and two Lady Gaga songs and a Ke$ha song that I like and they are for jogging, ok?!
Argh I used to get in fights with people at work who never let me listen to the college hipster station and I had to listen to Lady Gaga over and over and over. I tried the "I listen to stuff I hate every day, can we put on something you hate for once?" No go.
Oh my god Gossip Girl. I watched it, then stopped watching because I Am Too Good For This, then caught myself sneaking episodes when my husband was out, gave up and put it back in the DVR schedule, then truly quit after the fourth season. It contains one of my favorite things in entertainment - beautiful people being…
During periods in my life when I had no time to do anything, I only watched silly shows and read silly books. I needed to disengage my brain as completely as possible for 3 hours a week I had free, and The Wire is not so good for that. I'm more likely to imbibe high quality entertainment when I'm not busy.
Oh, the sad state of the english language when we get excited about proper use of common words.....
Uhoh. I use that phrase.
One time this guy from match.com googled me, and found a picture 3-4 years prior in which I was rather chubby. At the time I went out with him, I was quite thin. On our second date, Aunt Flo decided to chaperone, and I felt like crap and kept having to run to the bathroom. Hot. He kept pressing me what was wrong, and…
Some names are very common, and more and more people have an online presence. I like to google-stalk colleagues, and even when someone has a very unusual name, I'll get a link to 43 LinkedIn profiles. I used to have a very unique name, but if you google my married name, the top result will be a lingerie model.…