
The frying pan is excellent for spanking and also doubles as a dildo! He'll be yours forever!

Is there a particular reason businesses do this? Seems kinda crazy to put off doing everyone's forms until the very end of the month. Last year, I didn't even get all of my 1099s, which made Turbotax very confused. And then, in late February, after I filed my taxes, I got a call from one of my clients asking for my

lmao at "accidental Assyrian fetishist". My husband is an accidental Jew fetishist, but I suppose that's easier to accomplish.

This IS rather Cosmo-tastic, isn't it?

This was me in college, and I kinda turned into the female equivalent of a "Nice Guy". My male friends referred to me as "one of the guys", I hated it, and I know other women who hated this "compliment". They'd complain to me about the girly things their girlfriends did, and I'd whine to my friends "why don't they

I must be guyeting because that is exactly what I do - work out so I can eat whatever the eff I want. I did go on a girly prissy diet to get to the weight I want, but to keep it off, it's all burgers, chocolate, and exercise. Uhoh, chocolate's in there, that's how you I'm a woman.

But men just seem so loathe to admit they don't have a jackhammer. I can't imagine guys lining up in public to tell everyone instead of buying a red a car and ordering those testosterone things off the internet.

I was a late bloomer and had A-Bs until I was about 18. Finally admitting I was up to Cs was a bad day. Not that mine are gigantic or anything, but I miss having the smaller ones. I had them for about 3 years or so, figured they'd never get any bigger, and felt really lucky about that. Then, boom. I never had any

We do. It is the Flying Spaghetti Monster. May you be touched by his noodly appendage.

It is worthy of the certificate of redundancy award certificate.

I know this phrase is not popular around these parts, but he's just not that into you. Stop texting him and look for others. If he was really interested, he'd make time around work. If he's genuinely THAT busy that he can't, he's not in a good place in his life to have even a casual thing.

Not terrible at all, and I get it. The so-called two-body problems exists outside of academia, and it annoys me a little when people talk as if it only applies to academics. No, it applies to all intelligent people with strong careers who can't just get a job anywhere they go.

All right, that made me literally lol.

I'm always a bit boggled by the reference thing out in the real world. I'm still close enough to my training to ask those supervisors, but once I get too far away from that, then what? I can't ask the current supervisor, the supervisor at the previous job is too long ago. There's colleagues, but what if they rat out

How are you getting the funding? I've been encouraged to do an MPH or similar thing but my reaction is always "oh hell not I already got $200k in loans you crazy people". I've looked at a program that seems to have a way to get it paid for and a get a stipend, but I don't know where to begin and the school office

Hmm. I keep hearing about how public health people are needed, but then I've seen people really struggle to get into the field after getting the MPH. I always question it when I hear there's a shortage in a field, but public health is certainly a good degree. Plus you're already in the field, and you might be able to

Maybe work related is colleagues and professional is bosses/supervisors/teachers? I've never heard of that. I'd ask HR what they're looking for there.

If they're nice to you, I agree, let it slide. You're unlikely to change their minds. Ignore it, change the subject, whatever. Not worth it.

Graduate school in what?

As you should. That shit hurts!