
Not quite the same, but I failed my state vet boards the first time around. The second time I took it, I was shaking and nauseous and trying not to cry. I kicked its ass. As long you studied harder than last time, you should hopefully be fine. GOOD LUCK!

Given your first paragraph, you might just need to let it go then :) I understand your concerns about grandparents, but marriage is a big decision even if you've been together a long time, and you guys really are quite young. Also, it doesn't have to be a year, especially if you're flexible on venue. I planned my

Have you talked to him about this? Some guys seem to just not think about it at all or think about it in passing, like you have been. But it needs to be out in the open before any progress is made. Sure, some of us want the surprise proposal with no prior discussion, and that would be lovely if that's what you want,

I know a number of people who liked it. I would have been interested but a) I haven't read the books and b) I for some reason just do not want aliens-on-Mars sci-fi. I know there's no aliens up there, dudes. I get that these books were written when people could still fantasize about aliens on Mars, but there's no

This is me. Right here. Every day at work.

Good luck! I doubt you'll be the slowest one there. For one thing, no one runs slower than I do, and for another, it's amazing how many take it easy in these just-for-fun races. I did the Warrior Dash last year and was so scared, but some people were seriously run-walking a 5k distance. There's usually older folks too

Rocket scientists rest on Saturday? My husband sure went into the wrong field, biology does not sleep or stop.

I agree, preferences are allowed, broad generalizations are not. I've had people get offended when I describe my very specific "type", even after I explain that I in no way pretend to speak for all women. Everyone's got a preference, the key is not to generalize and to keep an open mind.

I totally tell objects to sit and stay all the time too! Maybe I just think of inanimate objects as my dogs that I don't want to drop but that need to sit still.

I have a friend that apologized way too much, and I told her to stop saying "sorry" all the time for non-offenses. She responded with "oh, sorry!" Facepalm.

I love when people call me to say thank you for a thank you card. It is an endless cycle of thanking!

Yeah, I have to very consciously do this. I recently emailed someone who was supposed to edit something I wrote a week ago, and had to practically grit my teeth to not write "sorry to bother you..." to preface the email.

Yeah, it was a bad example. I'd expect an apology in that situation even if the friend had no control over the circumstances. But the overall point of the article still stands, I think.

I've been known to apologize to inanimate objects that I dropped.

Yeah, but I bet your preferences are different from mine and that girl's and that girl's. I like not-too-long-not-too-short, some women like bald dudes, some women like long hair, some women like the weird emo hair (I'm sure they're out there). It's stupid to say "men" as a homogenous group like "x". That's the

Whenever I talk to guys about getting my hair cut and solicit opinions, they tell me to shave it. They're typically being silly.... or are they?!

A long time ago, I used to read Glamour and Cosmo. One of those ran this feature where they put a whole bunch of hairdos on a two page spread, ranked in order of preference by a ton of dudes who voted on them. The top style by far? Plain ponytail. The dude quotes said it was simple and suggested the girl was laid back

They were together for 3 years before getting married I think. They are very religious, and never lived together or even so much as spent the night. So I think a lot of it was kinda just roommate kind of stuff, only with increased expectations. She did say to me one time, "marriage is hard! He keeps leaving crap

I'm pretty sure she's happy. She didn't talk much about her husband at all at first, and now she talks about him a fair bit and they really do seem happy together. Plus she's one of those people who only knows how to smile genuinely, and now she lights up when she talks about him. She seems to have grown a lot as a

I was together with my husband for 7 years before we got married. My bachelorette party was two days before the wedding, and one of my bestest friends ever suddenly said that her first year of marriage was really tough, they hated each other, and she questioned her decision every day (and she's a christian who doesn't