Because we must judge others for their choices! Duh.
Because we must judge others for their choices! Duh.
This is a tangent, but the rock climbing thing really amused me. I live in the Bay area and I rock climb. I really do, it's not just a thing I say! And I did it before it was cool, er, before I moved out here. But it's so true, it sounds like everyone here rock climbs. Except they don't, because while the gyms and…
“Our youth now love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for their elders and love chatter in place of exercise; they no longer rise when elders enter the room; they contradict their parents, chatter before company; gobble up their food and tyrannize their teachers.” - Socrates
Thank you for the college comment. It is damn near impossible to put yourself through college anymore, tuition has been wildly outpacing inflation, and I wish people would take notice of that.
Srsly. I actually get this in my profession a lot - oh these lazy young new grads! Never mind that half of us now bust our asses in 80-hour-a-week post-grad training programs, many of us still work absolutely wacky hours without complaint, and dear god what is wrong with wanting a life outside of work?! It's really…
I get that some of these kids are stressed, but I'm always raging jealous when I read about stuff like that girl's life. My parents were insanely overprotective and did not allow me to do anything. ANYTHING. I was not allowed to participate in extracurricular activities or spend more than two hours at a time with my…
I have one manly cat then.
Aaaaah filling up the car is so hot. I love getting in my car after he borrows it and seeing the gauge at "full". I'd run up and sex him right then, but I'm usually on my way to work.
What about couples where the gender roles are reversed or semi-reversed? I'm a slob and forget to do chores. He's very neat and gets mad at me sometimes. He does everything - fixing the car, the dishes, the laundry, the vacuuming, the everything. He likes cooking and is very particular about it so tends to do that…
No. I have a spider-web in one of my windows and think it's awesome.
Is that show any good? I'm coming up on a week where I will desperately need something silly to watch.
Yeah, my friend's kind of a homebody too, that's probably a big part of it. She used to leave the house more, but got really complacent after she moved in with her boyfriend. Which I actually did too - I could go to all the effort of planning something, or there's a person right here to watch a movie with. Forget…
It doesn't cause me that much pain, just some annoyance. And I definitely don't think it's time to end the friendship, but I feel like that's always the advice I'm hearing. Which I do think is silly advice. There's a difference between toxic friends and lazy friends. I seem to have lazy friends. Unless I'm the toxic…
Eh, I dunno. On the one hand I'm like "haha I KNEW she'd never text me if I didn't text her first! Gotcha!" on the other hand I miss her and will probably get in touch soon. Like you said, the friendship is too important, and we won't always be living even this close. Unfortunately I should have had the latter thought…
Ok, internet. I see this advice a lot - if you're the one putting way more effort into a friendship, they're not that good a friend anyway, and it's time to end the friendship. If I did this, I would have NO FRIENDS. Am I just a shitty person or is everyone just lazy or what?
I just think it's frequently abused in places like this. It's often appropriate, and I understand the concept, but it seems to often be used as a way to tell someone to shut up, particularly via the phrase "your privilege is showing". I rarely see it used in a nice cooperative "let's consider that we may be missing a…
I loved Family Matters and Fresh Prince as a white girl. I also loved a ton of stuff full of white people. I'm guessing it feels different if you're in the minority group and seeing the majority group everywhere, you might want something with people that look like you. I really hate the term "privilege" but I think it…
There's jobs in the military for just about everyone. My ex who was in the military mentioned you could be a graphic designer in the army (he was annoyed by this, as it was not manly enough). I'm SURE they have need for engineers. As far as becoming an army vet, you have to get into vet school first, and then sign up…
It's highly flawed and not the greatest article, I just found it interesting that while the ladies got quite fit, they still had trouble with the pull-ups. I personally tried and tried with those assisted pull-up machines, and after three months, I went from being able to pull up 25 lbs of myself to 35 lbs of myself.…
I've actually had that conversation with multiple people at random where someone was confused that women weren't allowed in "combat". There's a LOT to do in the military, even on the front lines, that's not the raids-with-guns stuff. Sharkd answered your question more succinctly, but I just wanted to throw in that one…