And sharks, if they're in the Navy.
And sharks, if they're in the Navy.
Yes, I'm sure the Israeli army is horribly inefficient due to their gender integration. Oh wait.
I don't even see what all this has to do with the draft other than symbolism. Women serve on the front lines already and have for a long time. We could have been drafting women for a long time. Many people who are drafted do not go into actual combat. What's being opened to women is the elite…
Those are the entry level standards. What's under discussion is the elite infantry units. The standards for men for those units are much higher than the basic physical standards to get into the army to begin with, and they're not planning to add a separate standard for women.
The military brass has been saying over and over that there will be no change in standards for the elite units.
It always amused me that the Army and Navy football teams don't do very well. You'd think they had the strongest fastest dudes, right? Oh, being good at football and being good at soldiering are different things? Well, shiiiiiiiit!
My husband seems incapable of understanding that it's more difficult for women to do pull-ups. I showed him that article and he shrugged. On the one hand it's kind of sweet that he thinks I'm perfectly capable of pull-ups, on the other hand it's kind of maddening. It comes up a lot because we rock climb together and…
Interesting observation.
A-freaking-men. This stuff drives me nuts. And I actually hate kids. I can't stand them and think babies are ugly. If someone on my feed posts about nothing but their kids, I hide their stuff. Easy. If it's someone I care a lot about and really want to see their rare non-kid updates, I scroll past the kid ones. Easy.…
As long as they're not named Dr. Payne.
I agree. That very much describes my mother's attitude towards me, and is part of why I do not want kids. I don't want to fall into that trap.
Yeah, I definitely cringe when I see some of the pictures people put up of their kids. As a random aside, one time in elementary school, we were supposed to bring in baby pictures. My parents sent me with a naked-butt picture. No one else's parents did this to them. What is it with parents and child embarrassment?
You must be getting fancy drinks. I've had this problem and while I couldn't stop actually going to coffee shops, I stopped getting fancy drinks nearly as often and just get plain coffee. But oddly enough, if I tell myself it's to save money, it's very hard. If I tell myself it's to save the calories, it's very easy.…
I have a coffee maker that makes better coffee than any coffee shop around here, with the same beans. I still buy coffee though, because sometimes I just want to leave work and go read somewhere where no one can interrupt me. If I stay in the building, I *will* get pestered. So I pay Starbucks $1.65 for the privilege…
I worked for a boss that asked those questions. She hated my favorite movie. She was also a hardcore liberal and knowingly hired a republican (well, she was guessing at his political beliefs but was almost certain) into the very liberal group. I don't know how she judged the answers, and it was hardly her only…
Yeah, I'm really sick of that advice. I've tried it a few times, and I just get "you weren't the right fit". If they asked me technical questions, I'm assured it had nothing to do with my knowledge level, so I guess it's my face. I did get this really nice rejection letter once that was very personalized and talked…
Quit, and look into the labor laws in your state. Every state is different; in California, your final paycheck is due on your last day of work; if you do not receive it, you are entitled to a day's pay for every day it is late, up to 30 days. In CA, you actually have more leverage if you quit; if your paycheck is…
I think it's falling under "alternate history", but yeah, it's a stretch, and a long one at that. I'm not going to complain though, because this is pretty much the only entertainment site I go to so I don't mind them highlighting something that has crossover appeal. Breaking Bad is hardly sci-fi, but this site is how…
Oh come on, a dude could totally rock those tights. At parades, perhaps.