
I'm not into the styling on the dresses, but I LOVE the tights. Too bad I have just about nowhere to wear them. Getting old.

Sounds like a good reason to work for that promotion.

Is the rule of helmets related to hats? Because it always drives me crazy how nobody wears hats in cold weather in movies/tv (Night's Watch, I'm looking at you). Perhaps they figure the viewers cannot tell apart the characters if they can't see their hair?

Shave your head. Chicks dig bald dudes - the key is to be completely bald, not have that un-sexy ring of hair.

The idea here is to actually get a workout. Or wasted. Whichever you're doing. With your plan you'd be sitting on the couch stone cold sober.

I had a "quirky" wedding and got nothing but compliments on it, even from the old people members of my husband's family that consider sushi to be too adventurous for them to try. Our food kinda sucked, but I'm pretty sure nobody cared since we provided booze and chocolate.

Their vegan-gluten-free-whatever food was probably way better than the crap I had at my wedding by the cheapest caterer in town. But I really hope my guests weren't just there for the food.

I was a vegetarian for a while but reverted to meat-eating. While I was a vegetarian, I met a hell of a lot more meat-eaters trying to convince me to eat meat than I ever met vegetarians try to convert meat-eaters. People would straight up tell me I SHOULD eat meat and it was WRONG not to. Chill out dudes, I'm not

No no no no I think you're confused. On Jezebel here, we hate ALL weddings of any type. Weddings are a meaningless waste of money that only make your friends and relatives suffer in the eighth circle hell. (I hope my sarcasm is obvious. I'm sick of all the wedding hate.)

Offbeat Bride gave me about half the ideas for my wedding, including the dress designer and the photographer. And I'm not sure how that blog could possibly be less offensive. I found some ideas on there annoying, but so what, I didn't use them.

But if I like those I'll get interested to read Sanderson's WoT books and that way lies madness!

Yeah, I saw about three people put that up while I was typing my reply. I suppose I could have searched myself, heh.

I love how you called God "it".

Is this from a public school textbook, or a private religious school textbook?

My biggest trouble so far is I'm really not feeling into any of the characters except for Tattersail and maaaaaybe Paran. But I'm definitely enjoying the story, so I'm certainly going to keep reading.

I'm reading Gardens of the Moon right now, and that book is making me feel like a stupid person. The world doesn't feel truly solid yet to me at 3/5ths of the way through. Unlike GRRM's obsession with detail, Erikson seems to love deliberately leaving stuff out to keep the reader paying attention.

Agreed, from someone who really hates sex scenes.

The most common criticism I hear of these books is what a Mary Sue the main character is. Seems like I'm going to have to take a pass.

Seriously, does anyone still even use that?

The gardener/architect bit made me laugh a little bit; it invites "overgrown garden" comments. I'm glad he at least knows the start, end, and turning points of his novels. Hopefully that applies to his series as well....