
I say this as someone in wholehearted agreement: why are you still reading? Why am *I* still reading? There's gotta be other places to find cute cat videos, Pippa Middleton news, and enjoy the "I-am-not-alone-YAY!" feelings when people overshare about diarrhea in the comments.

My cat gets offended by things like that. Basically, she insists that I be actively engaged in the playing. If I even simply wave my hand around with the pointer while watching tv, she gets pissed off and walks away. Kitty demands 100% attention!

My cat knows it comes from my hand and is not offended in the slightest. When I put it away she runs and meows all "WANT MORE!"

I see what you did there.

Thank you, that's a way more eloquent way of putting it. This is definitely not the sort of thing that fantasy authors tend to study, and the ones that do study a lot about the medieval period or other cultures tend not to notice these trends. I personally don't really know anything about pre-industrial technological

I played all those scenes in slow motion.

What I'm confused about is why specifically unsired hybrids were needed, rather than just random people? Does it make whatever spell he's doing more powerful?

Yeah, that's a good point. Both humans and horses in fantasy seem to have absolutely mad endurance.

Well, it's completely made up from the start. So I can't get exasperated with "that is SO not how the dragon reproductive cycle works!" or something. Whereas science fiction claims a basis in reality, and that's where I start to get nitpicky and annoyed by inaccuracies, whether that's fair or not.

I've been to multiple dry weddings because for some reason despite being a militant atheist, I've been super close with a number of serious Christians. Including a no-dancing-allowed one. Ya know, I really didn't care. I was just there to see my dear good wacky friend get married and see some other good friends. We

I prefer fantasy to sci-fi because fantasy by definition cannot contain factual errors (unless it's urban fantasy containing factual errors about modern day non-fantastical technology, or court procedure, or whatever). It just needs to be consistent. Things like FTL and artificial gravity on spaceships tend to really

This is actually why I'm all about this attachment parenting baby wearing thing. I don't really care about people's parenting philosophies and where their kids sleep or whatever, but if they're wearing the baby, they're not pushing a stroller and taking up half the universe. Well, in most cases anyway.

I have a sense this one may be controversial.

Because these people do not fit into my narrow view of what appropriate wedding behavior is and therefore must be reviled! (/sarcasm, sarcasm....)

I will now contradict you: http://www.wired.com/wiredscience/2012/10/mf-willpower/

My thoughts jumped to that the minute I saw the article title. I should re-read that, I've pretty much forgotten all or most of it.

Oh jeez, I had the most awkward situation of my life yesterday - conference for a labor board complaint against my ex-boss. Had to sit in a tiny waiting room with him for 20 minutes waiting for the deputy to finish up with the previous people. Handled by not talking to him directly at all and laser focus on Gardens of

I think he is taking exception to the "introverted weirdo" phrase. I don't much like it either, although I don't think it was intended to imply that ALL introverts are weirdos. The next section is talking about extroverted weirdos, after all.

Susan Cain was the first in a chain of readings that convinced me I need to change my career stat. Her book is really good.

I thought this article was going to be about a very manly aggressive form of angina.