
Part of the problem is I work when the supervisors aren't there, and it's actually the people I'm supervisING passing on information. Or the supervisor is auditing things and doing a bad job of it. That's part of what makes it an awkward mess. I guess I'll just have to say something along the lines of "I was told you

Yeah, pretty much. It's always kind of tedious to explain that sort of thing to people outside the field, and "TPS reports" is a good stand-in for anything of that nature.

That sort of thing is extremely common in my profession. The first low-level job I got, it was constantly, "I can't believe you didn't know that!" Well, no, I have no experience whatsoever, which you knew, and you did not train me, so not sure where that knowledge was supposed to come from. I still see people treated

I'll have to try this. I'm one of those people that prefers my bananas when still have a bit of green left and the speckles kinda make me ill. I've found that putting them in the fridge does nothing to slow down the speckling. My only question is that mine seem to always go brown mush at the non-stem end. Still, must

Hah - this totally happened to me this weekend. I get this email from work that said, "your TPS reports do not have cover sheets! And this is incredibly important!" and I was all, "um, they do too have cover sheets!" It wasn't quite as trivial as that, but still a thing that had nothing to do with the

Oooooh yeah.

I need to find myself some kinda job where my research involves having a Bond marathon.

What's the definition of "literature", exactly? Some type of deeper meaning? I think aSoIaF has some interesting themes as far as power and difficulty of wielding power vs coming into it. It's not exactly War and Peace, but I think there's interesting stuff in there if you feel like analyzing it.

I hate, hate, hate the bended knee thing. I'm totally one of those girls who always fantasized about a proposal, and my fantasy was always us on the same height. For some reason I always pictured being on a bridge. At night. With city lights. I don't know. I actually had a downright fear of the bended knee thing and

Or "oh, you're still in school?" all disappointed and condescending?

Or, in response to me and my academic husband's Two-Body Problem if I were to pursue my dream career (which is why I haven't :/): "But there's universities everywhere! And there's zoos everywhere!" Yep, there sure are, except there's only about 20 universities that do research in his field and we would both have to

Sad state for literature....

That is so weird. Nicholas Sparks is certainly writing his pap under a male name with no problems....

I grew up in Russia, and we didn't have Santa, but we had the Father Frost equivalent. From my memories, I feel like the stories about him were always told as a fairy tale. Plus he was less significant that Santa is here. I definitely never had an "oh no!" moment about it.

I describe mine as dragons breathing fire and eating their way through my guts. When I said this to my husband he got the most adorable look of horror and sympathy on his face.

THIS THIS THIS THIS!!!! And no one ever talks about it! I have to go to the bathroom approximately 50 times a day, and it's of varying consistencies. Gaaaah it feels so good to be NOT ALONE HERE. Thank you ladies.

So, I watched the pilot of Farscape, but wasn't all that impressed.... should I stick with it, or is it one of those "if you didn't like the pilot you won't like the show" things?

It seems submissive on a girl but on a dude it looks very glowery "I'ma gonna kill you in a sec here". Actually it can be that way on a woman too, if the rest of the face is in more of a glower/sneer rather than a MySpace pout. Somebody actually gave a chin down-eyes up look the other day when I said something stupid,

That's... super weird. Honestly, I'm a vet and if I saw that on my appointment book I'd be all "WTF?!" Mostly because they tend to lose hair on their belly or inside of both thighs or on their butt (in which case it's fleas), but it's odd for it to be one spot on the inside of one of her legs. How old is she? I really

Murf, I swear all my friends are like this. A lot of friendships fade off after someone moving away. It's life. You don't have to officially dump her, just stop reaching out. She may miss you and take some initiative herself. Or not. Maintaining friendships long distance is hard.