
Aw, thanks. I know pretty much exactly what I want to do, but it's so competitive and geographically restricted I kinda gave up on it and tried to do my #2 thing. And couldn't get a job doing that, so am doing my #3 thing, which isn't even a thing for me at all. I have flashes of utter joy, but for the most part can't

I'm working on it; rather massively redirecting within the same field and doing what I originally wanted to do. Unfortunately what I want to do is extremely competitive and I made some missteps that are working against me. And it would force me and my husband to live apart.

I used to think it was a live thread for discussing the SNL episode so never clicked on it. You are not alone.

Ok, dear internet. I hate my job and I chose the wrong career and I just want to scream. And I'm not good at it, and I can't tell if it's the technical aspects or just my personality and utter inability to communicate with people. And I can't get an actual job, I just keep doing temp gigs. Which I sometimes like but I


No. I know people who started med school at 40+. My oldest vet school classmate was 47 and there was a 55 year old in the class ahead of me.

That's the scene I'm thinking of. I hope they do it right.

It can be hard to translate lay speak back to medical terms, but this sounds like FIP, a very nasty disease kittens sometimes succumb to. A lot of them carry the virus, but in an unlucky few it converts to the active disease-causing form, and there's literally nothing that can be done. It's heartbreaking.

There's sadly far more cats than homes for those cats :( If you have a cat-shaped hole in your world, I urge you to fill it with at least three.


Did you totally rewrite your profile and change your picture between then and now? Weird. It may be that he dated someone else briefly (and that was why he flaked) but now he's interested you again. Or something. It won't hurt to just message him and feel him out. Maybe some legitimately major shit went down in his

Going to the vet and staying the night can be traumatic for a kitty, even if it's the nicest vet in the world, and that can cause behavior change. When me and my husband moved in together and combined the cats they acted funky, and his velcro-cat didn't sit on anyone's lap for two months. They settled in and got back

Eating other people's food IS a big deal. I was always enraged when roommates did that.

Considering two of my favorite shows - Supernatural and Vampire Diaries - are on the CW, of course I'd watch GoT there. It'd pretty much be the same only with no boobies or f-bombs.

I don't know, The Vampire Diaries is pretty unrestrained in killing characters, although there's definitely a number of "safe" ones.

I've always found it tremendously disappointing that Jon Snow has to be in a such a cold place wearing all those clothes. They do owe us at least one more shirtless scene with him.

It's very deliberately planned that way, but every once in a while, I'll be stop and think "he threw Bran out the window!!! fuck him!!!" and it's all ruined.

Where it comes from is that I'm very socially awkward. I have a very hard time reading social cues and facial expressions, and I have a harder time than average recognizing faces. I always feel like I'm saying or doing the wrong thing. Which causes problems in making friends. I care less about that than I used to,

I feel I've been diagnosed with every personality disorder there is in an attempt to figure out why I struggle so much. I got really sick of it because it meant basically nothing and no one actually had any solutions for me. At least with them getting rid of Asperger's, no one can accuse me of it anymore!

I caught a bit of one of these where they were doing some type of "makeover" to the hoarder's house and making him throw out all this stuff, and wondering who these tv people to decide how much sentimental value which objects had. Maybe I have a little problem myself....