Not to mention sitting on the Science Committee!!!!!!!!!! (there's not enough exclamation marks in the world to express my rage, perhaps I should stop there)
I think it has as much as anything to do with the practicalities of dealing with very young child actors.
That was exactly my thinking behind wanting my husband to do the actual proposing. That, and I wanted the pretty ring. Although given how much time I spent pestering him about getting married, it's almost like I proposed and he said yes by buying the ring.
lol.... I have a ruby and several people wrinkled their noses and said "oh... is that what you wanted?"
To be fair, being black in many movies and tv shows has this effect. Being gay is even worse!
For the 100 or so pages leading up to Ned's death, I was like "Dude, is there a main character in this thing? It doesn't feel like there's a main character. Maybe it's Ned. Yeah, it's Ned." And I was like "OR NOT!"
My husband started watching this with me and really enjoyed it (although not enough to pick up the books, WTF). It's fun to watch newbies watch it!
He is way prettier than I imagined Ramsay, but I'm sure they'll do lovely things with hair and makeup. Then again, sometimes they just make people conventionally attractive that weren't in the book. I can deal either way.
If GRRM implies it, it happened is my sense of the series. Loras/Renly for instance.
They definitely haven't shied away from gore in the past, but I'm guessing they may go the way of screaming face closeups and offscreen tortures followed by bandages.
That's because everything tends to have men as leaders during adulthood :/ My girly ass profession frequently takes men far more seriously.
That is hypnotic.
I am also ironically reading articles about productivity instead of actively taking steps to improve my career (that was seriously my goal for today).
Same here - I could take or leave bookRobb, but love showRobb. For me I think it has something to do with Richard Madden's eyes though :-P
I only made it halfway through the book. Too long and too much description, and that's from someone who likes long books with pages and pages of description! I actually got fairly invested in the characters, but every time the action picked up, Hugo would start a 50 page wikipedia entry about French society, and then…
There's no way you haven't heard "Somebody I Used to Know". It's inescapable.
The first thousand times I heard it, I thought it was pretty good, but now it just sends me into fits of rage. I recognize it after about four beats and frantically turn it off, all the more amazing since I am practically tone deaf. If I'm alone in the car I will actually scream over it until I find the station dial.…
Those are the lyrics from now on as far as I'm concerned.