
Marriage has its roots in gender inequality, women being bought and sold, raped, disenfranchised, and controlled by their husbands. Its history is very much tied up in the patriarchy. It is still a tool of the patriarchy in many places, where women have far less power than their husbands. If I were straight and wanted

Philosophically I see where you’re coming from, but also, I look at this as a high court offering a secular option where historically 2 people have only had this religion-tinged, heteronormative thing if they wanted to share their lives together and enjoy governmental benefits. I don’t begrudge straight people the

I mean, we have food safety laws for a reason. Food safety laws are why the people who make your food have to wash their hands after they poo. Or, remember how entire families have dropped dead of botulism because of improperly canned tomato sauce?

I got a 518 on my MCAT! That’s 97th percentile! I may get into medical school after all!

Thank you for this.