
I don’t think this article was glorifying this - I think it was pointing out the enormous hypocrisy of the fact that society paints this kind of behavior as entirely harmless and basically a mild eccentricity when certain people do it. But when other people do exactly the same thing, it’s treated entirely differently.

“And, to your other point - which you’ve heavily overstated - the people who committed this terrible crime are behind bars. There was an attempt by corrupt, local racist officials to make this disappear. That attempt failed.”

No way. They will keep all their gun rights and just enforce them unevenly, just like always. White Person doing anything with any gun: 2nd Amendment. Dark Person with a legal gun: Philando Castille. “I feared for my life. He reached for an object. He was coming right for us.” Hell, even if the legal gun is imaginary.

And you left out how many of them ended up sick and their friends, family, and possibly others they came into contact with. But that’s understandable when you’re being intentionally obtuse to make people rage comment.

Bullshit. Temperature checks were entirely voluntary, which the MSP made loud and clear, and thusly very few of those “protestors” got their temperature taken, instead rushing the chamber doors and trying to break their way through.

Seeing how they managed to spread the coronavirus around and get their families back home infected, those temperature checks weren't really that effective, were they?

You have no ground to stand on. Those “protesters” were no better than terrorists. Multiple participants have actively threatened violence against politicians, and have made it very clear that this was a “warning” to the governor and Michigan lawmakers. Using force and the threat of violence - implicit or explicit -

I always thought that these white idiots that show up to protest with guns weren’t protesters but terrorists with “legal protection” from short sighted legislators. Now that the Panthers (surprised that no one on TV called them a gang) are doing the same thing, I suspect those same pearl clutching legislators will

Ding ding ding! Somebody get the man a cigar; or don’t! Because tobacco-related deaths kill more Americans each week than terrorists have killed in 40 years.

Over 3000 deaths from 1975-2015. Just for the sake of comparison, there were 33,091 opioid related deaths both prescription and illicit, in the United States, for the entirety of the year 2015, according to the CDC. https://www.cdc.gov/drugoverdose/data/statedeaths.html

Terrorism is the greatest Red Herring in our

Nor is it to say that any decent person with even a single moral fiber in their bodies would support something so uniquely un-American (literally a country of immigrants and the natives they shat on), but this shows that if the Bannon administration were anymore transparent, they’d be a fucking window.

Those stats do absolutely nothing to suggest those three countries were not included due to some cranky yam having business interests there...

Lest we forget, Trump’s “Don’t Call It A Muslim Ban” Muslim Ban excludes the 3 countries (the terrorism medalists, if you will) that have supplied the vast, vast, vast majority of terrorists that actually killed people on American soil. Because he likes to surround himself with winners.

Yep. Mine was as good as the day is long - and no brothers can be a drawback.

Me too! I blame my father, who is a good and kind man who often does nice things for young strangers who remind him of his children (and other people as well, but he particularly has a soft spot for people our age). So, like, when a 50-year-old man sent a round of drinks to my friends and I when we were 18 and snuck

Teenage you is not alone. I always believed everyone had the best intentions and that included men - who didn't.

I'm a huge film geek and I find his movies dull and navel-gazing. I'm a Polanski fan, and I know he's a horrible human being so I just don't hate Allen because of his personal life.

I'm sympathetic, though I still kind of adore that film. It's so exquisitely shot and well done. But then, so are Wagner's operas, and I wouldn't chagrin a single Jew who'd rather not listen to the music of a rabid anti-semite, no matter how exquisite. It's aggravating that any given person can possess so much

Yes, his films tend towards the whitewashed and perverted... but they're also really boring? How does he have the career he has? I've never made it entirely through one of his movies without giving up or falling asleep from boredom.

I could be totally wrong here, because I've never actually watched any of his films (they don't really appeal to me. At all.) But from the outside, it looks like almost all of them contain a 'Woody Allen' character, who is always a mildly neurotic, self-deprecating, funny, middle-aged Jewish guy, who is (fittingly