
What in the world does “I am a foremost civil rights activist” mean?

Jesus Christ those nipples.

Tell us: how did it feel to get tossed out of the show last night?

Is anyone else having this problem viewing Tweet Beat on an iPhone:

Counterpoint: OK Go is great and this sucks.

That’s exactly what youre doing.

Shut up.

If the Indians were my home town team, I would also drink heavily and build a massise pyramid to obstruct my view of them.

Incidentally, “kid gloves”, also the name of the mittens from the children’s department that Donald Trump must buy to fit his tiny hands.

I’m sorry.

I was thinking it was:

Maybe they haven’t even pushed the publish button yet cuz they’re still spitballing ideas.

I hope I’m rich enough to afford an invisible chair someday.

Yes, but only because Tim Tebow knows that an alternate universe is the only possible way he gets to have a successful NFL career.

Can we add “I’m just saying” to the list?

Am I the only one who doesn’t understand why people need their celebrities to be relatable?

Counterpoint: She is a professional entertainer, and this entertained me.

your bathroom is a pit of lava