Eli's Got 2
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Whatever, so you told me so. Coldplay sucked, with the exception of Adventure of a Lifetime. Chris actually sounded good singing that one. Bruno Mars got down, I guess. Beyoncé was unimpressive. Overall, I thought it sucked balls. I wish Burke would weigh in with his thoughts. I respect his music opinions. The game

Ruff ruff baby

Ha! I (they) got 47pts!

I, personally, would like to see this done with all BMWs vs. Mercedes. Cam is an M4 and Peyton is an E350.

Welcome. :) So glad it got renewed!

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Because my friends and I quote this song way too much, and in honor of my all female fantasy puppy bowl team: T.I. / No Mediocre:


Oh god, no. I’m going to have that stupid “what does the pig say” song in my head all day.

Yes! Oh no....Were in that science forum? Haha

My Chem! Woooo! Love them.

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So, I’ve been debating Behavior = Genes + Environment today... How has your Monday been? Haha Someone brought up Descartes and I had to laugh because I kept thinking of this really great Oingo Boingo song:

Awwww, get better soon! I like it and added it to my playlist. Thanks!

Haha. Have fun. My friend lives a block from the beach so we are getting fish tacos and hanging out down there. :)

Same, and I’m going out tonight so I will!

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So my boss pulled the old “ummmm yeah, I’m gonna need you to come in Saturday” crap on me today. She’s actually really cool, but geez. I do have a life. Kind of. Here’s a band, I’ve seen live that were very good, to kick off the “weekend” ~ Jimmy Eat World/ A Praise Chorus:

🎶tryin to catch me swimmin dirty🎶

I have no problem with the shirt, or really anything about him because he’s pretty awesome, but this is a big “negative, captain”.

Drew said he would eat it. GROSS