Eli's Got 2

This is great! Thanks for posting it. Happy Friday! :)

That seems to be a theme tonight. OMG some of those - I was dying. DEAD

“Godzilla” was reallllllly good. I liked it a lot.

I found it online (yay) but I have to watch it on my Mac. Sooo, what movie did you buy? I must know...

All great movies. I actually bought “The Martian” on Blu-ray (it’s like the only movie I’ve purchased in the last year). It was sooo freaking good. “Interstellar” is up there for me, as I love the whole time paradox debate. I disliked “Gravity” very much, aside from the visuals. Now I want to watch “The Europa Report”

Sorry - meant to reply to Window. (edited) :)

HA! Kinko’s! I got nothing - you win.

You know what..... LOL


HAHA I know...at the copy machine!

I see your point. The funny thing is, I was listening to it earlier thinking, I wonder if this will be on his list because it is pretty influential .... and here it is. I get your comparison to The Wall much better now. Good stuff, as always. :)

I love this one!!! :D

I would love to read that, if it’s available and you are willing share. It’s just so complicated and Mars is far. I mean, the shortest round trip mission would prob be a year, and that’s with the astronauts only being on Mars for a few weeks. I think the plan is for them to stay a year on Mars, so a total of like 2-3

OMG dying. That’s so good.

I think in The Blacker the Berry, he is calling out hypocrisy, namely his own. This album is great, don’t get me wrong and I was listening to it earlier, but to be in the Top 25 and to be compared to “The Wall”? Whoa, there.

This is in heavy rotation for me. Love it.

Now playing

I’m so tired of the Challenger “Disaster - Fuck NASA” posts that run ever year. Fuck that post. This is for those 7 men and women that lost their lives that day in the name of Science and Space Exploration aboard Challenger ~ Moby/We Are All Made of Stars:

Oh, I legit laughed out loud because I was thinking “the precioooooooous” and then I saw your reply. ;)

It’s okay. :) I hope you have sweet dreams. Also: if you haven’t seen Wilfred, you need to watch it.

I’ve heard that, but I actually have, several times. It could be a compilation of subconscious memory.