Eli's Got 2

I agree. So much talent. HA - that movie! I haven’t thought about that in so long. I may need to watch it.

Yep, every time. The same way. It’s very fast, but extremely detailed and luckily I’m able to read a street sign and I know where I am, but the person I’m with is an unfamiliar presence and I can only see the dash and hood of the car, but I’m pretty sure I’ve narrowed down the make over the years.

I had a recurring dream for years, and I will never put myself in that situation. I was a front-seat passenger in a dark-colored car that was old with a long hood. It was a Cutlass, I think. I died in the dream. I’ll spare you the details, but it was vivid and too real. I haven’t had it for years, but I’ll never

Now playing

Woman Crush Wednesday: Aaliyah Her birthday was earlier this month and we would have been the same age. :( She was and continues to be one of my favorite female artists of all time. There is only one other woman artist that has affected me more than Aaliyah has. (I’ll dedicate a post to her in the future.) There was

You don’t like Radiohead? Karma Police? Wow. Well, we both like ATCQ. I’ve been listening to them a lot lately.

No, I hadn’t heard. I’m going to set my DVR. Thanks!

(blushing face emoji) Oh man, we can go all day with those references.... I don’t think Curb is ever coming back. :(

Yeah. (Commenter)Bag of Fat kinda nailed it. The newer album (from what I heard but I haven't heard it all) was not their best. I do like The Suburbs, though.

Thanks! Nice to see you around here. :)

It’s okay. *cries* kidding. I get made fun of for liking them by my music aficionado friends. The Ducks are 5pts back from second, with 3 teams in between (I think) so it’s pretty close. The Kings are running away with it- those bastards. LOL

Yeah, you know, I gotta be honest... I haven’t even listened to all of Reflektor. I tend to like the older stuff, too.

I really liked it! You were right! I’m curious to see where this is all heading, and I like the medical aspect with the alien DNA (of course haha). The siblings are interesting with their “powers”. Overall, I’m liking it thus far.

Now playing

So, I have a confession to make. I like Arcade Fire and I DON’T CARE. They sped it up in this live version of Ready to Start. It took me a while to actually like it, and I still think I prefer the original speed, but it’s still prettaaaaaay prettaaaaay pretty good:

Ha! True. With the hat, you can pretend you are classy and rich like Mr. Monopoly. You can even wear your own hat while you are playing and stuff all your monies in it and laugh at your friends/family/kids when they have to pay you!


I don’t get an East Coast feed anymore and I’m home in Cali, so I have to wait. :( UGH. I understand about that story-line, but I think it might be pivotal to this new season (the blood test results?). From what I saw last night, I think old Scully might be back!

I did! It was classic Scully and Mulder and I found the plot interesting. Did you?

Thank you, Chinooker. I love this song. You’re truly out of this world! ;)


That is very honorable. That must have been an interesting assignment. There also must have been a reason it was done at 51. I wonder what they were looking for, and if they found it.