Eli's Got 2

Oh dammit! SPOILER ALERT! Umm Hmmm “language lesions”

Hahaha He’s a ‘Brony’ (a male that likes My Little Pony)!!! Oh wow. I didn’t really look through his channel. OMG. I’ll be in there forever if I go back to YT. It’ll be midnight and I’ll be like damn, I’m hungry.

My mothereffing DVR didn’t record it and ep 4 is not on demand ffs. It goes from 3-5; 4 isn’t on until Monday. So pissed. Yeah, I was geeking out, reading something about the accuracy of the show’s space perception and ships. Forgot where. If I find it I’ll link it to you, since you are a fellow Sci-Fi nerd. I can’t

What ep are you on? I'm on 4. Hope to catch up this weekend. It's a really cool show. I love the ships and... Wait... Where are you first? lol

Oh, yeah, I cried. Tears. Streaming. My stomach hurt from laughing so hard.

Now playing

I’m going to preface this by saying, I’m so sorry. This has been stuck in my head since last night (an evil friend sent it to me because I like MLP) and I need someone else to suffer with me. Also, I cried because I know every note to this song and, well:

Those cars are all so amazing. I would love to go to that.

That’s a pretty spot-on assessment, though. It’s pretty much all about him and his beefs, etc. “Changes” is not a favorite of mine, honestly. Neither is the all-famous “Dear Mama”. I played All Eyez on Me over and over again back in the day. Agree to disagree- that album was so fucking good. Have you heard the Makaveli


Me, too! 🎶Call me, call me, call me, anytime!🎶

Oh, I know! Same! She's gorgeous and a pioneer for a lot of other women in the industry. Nice song! Thanks for sharing.

I remember when this song came out! I was like - “hey! That’s Blondie!”

“So Many Tears” has always been my favorite 2Pac song. I mean, he’s a genius lyricist; he just knew how to make it all flow.

Now playing

Woman Crush Wednesday: Debbie Harry of Blondie, singing (and rapping about eating cars, and a man from Mars in) Rapture:

You know, I miss Kyle and Rueben and Regressing. That math shit is cool!


WHAAAAAAT?!?! Oh, no no no. By all means, be “one of those”, so we can fight about this on the interwebs! Your opinions are wrong! Haha. How in the hell do you not like “Song for Clay”, though?!?!? I can’t feel my face. LOL Post a favorite Bloc song tonight. You and your very wrong music opinions (kidding) are welcome

Back it up- beep, beep, beep. I was giving him an intro to their most well known; never said it was the absolute best! :) Those albums are so good. I forgot how much I love “Scientist Studies” and that whole album, too. Also: “Meet Me on the Equinox” is another great one. Off of The Photo, I have to say “A Movie

Are you my brother? Haha. Awwww, Ben and Zooey are a really cute couple.