Eli's Got 2

You can come out of the closet now. It’s safe. I like Drake, too. You can’t do that! I need to know! Email me everything! lol

I have been listening to them for years and saw them live. Their most famous songs are “I Will Possess Your Heart”, “Soul Meets Body”, “I Will Follow You Into the Dark”, and off their new album I am loving - LOVING, “The Ghosts of Beverly Drive”.

To each their own. So, you hate it, but it’s on the list because it’s “underrated”? So does that mean you actually like it and you just don’t want to admit it? You’re speaking in riddles....

I’m okay with this! I still listen to ‘Headlines’ and ‘Practice’ off that album.

Now playing

🎶Don’t you want me, ooooooooh🎶 Dammit, TM. This was one of the best songs to come out of 2015, IMO. Death Cab For Cutie / Black Sun:




I haven’t seen the show! I will, eventually. Someone asked me about it last night, too. He’s uhhh, okay looking, I guess. I’m with you on the no shrieking part. Lucky for me I don’t have to share any of my closets. (Charlie Sheen voice- WINNING!) Haha. I hate getting rid of stuff because 5 years later I’m like, damn,

Disagree. Spanos was honest and I hope the Chargers get one of the two locations. He actually seems like he gives a shit. Qualcomm is garbage.

Not a costume, but.... I wore a Death Star mini dress (it’s a really long shirt basically) with pants. The Death Star is a base/space station where all the cool kids (the dark side) hang out. I don’t want to give too much away since you still need to watch them all. Oh, fishnets to Rocky Horror would have been so

Grazi. :D I love your rationale behind the half-smile. “But your honor, she made me do it!”

No, it really was. LOL I deleted it because, well, you guys saw it and no one else needs to. :)

Where’s Cyclops when you need him? lol

I know, sorry. I’ll fix it...

I’ve always loved Bette. She’s so talented! That scene in Beaches, “Oh Industry”, made me want to be like her.

Ha! They look great! My hair is way worse than your squinty eyes:

All hail the glasses wearing nerds! We shall rule this planet! (I’m the biggest dork you’ll ever meet.) I like mine, but I’m going to get some new ones... S🤓🤓N.

Congrats! Welcome to the nerdy glasses club. Woooooo!