Eliott Nuit

I would love me some more Bloodborne though, I enjoyed that setting more than Souls. The lovecraftian atmosphere was far more chilling than Souls ever got to be in my opinion.

I don’t think this was really that big a problem before pokemon go. I mean, most games don’t give you that urge to play while driving you know? No one is driving and is like, dammit... I need to play just one more round of candy crush! Pokemon, however, requires you to be outside. And most people spend the majority of

Gambling on weapon skins for a game. Spending $13k on games to get what amounts to a virtual sticker. I have no idea what’s going on anymore.

Well at least it’s not an article about Pokemon Go.

I just watched the first episode and i am super disappointed.
The animation looks poor, the story is totally disjointed.
The art direction is just awful.
This is such a colossal downgrade from the 3 movies. It shouldn’t even be mentioned in the same breath.
Kabaneri, One Punch Man are proof that you can do high quality

You motherfucker, did you just call the Berserk manga Shonen? Barring that, have you even read it? You haven’t have you? well let me tell you a few things about it my friend. You say that this episode reveals several details about Guts’ past. When does it do that? I watched this twice and it did the opposite, it

You’re waaaay too overreacting. So the girl was cut in half. So what?

Having read the manga and watched the new films and the 90s anime (partially) I am VERY disappointed with the tone and quality of this new anime. It has some of the cheapest CG I have seen since Kingdom. I can understand why they went the CG route as they have a lot of ground to cover but it still is off putting. The

Dude its REALLY bad, like not even redeemable which makes me question this writer’s...well everything. She must have seen a hidden better show because what I and my brother were watching was sewage overflow.

No. NO. Wrong.

I’m a huge fan of the Berserk manga and 1997, and I absolutely hated the first episode of Berserk 2016. Everything about it was wrong: the pacing was frenzied and rushed, narrative liberties were taken, huge swathes of content from the manga skipped, characters prematurely introduced, the music was out

Outshines the original? I’m sorry but that’s fucking ridiculous. It looks shit. It’s stiff, static, barely animated cheap looking fucking CG, no soul, horrible “sketch shader” applied that somehow makes it even worse, it’s fucking shit is what it is. Saying it outshines the original is an incredible insult not only to

97 anime was good. Fitting style that complimented the manga.
I felt the same about the movie series. The movie CG was a little clunky in places but overall was fluid enough and didn’t detract much.

But this?
I could not belief how stiff and awkward Guts’ walk animation was.

And the skeleton fight?
They had these glowing

What the hell is he talking about? This attempt at an adaptation is completely talentless garbage.

I couldn’t possibly disagree with this statement more then anything else.
Really. I’ve hated a lot of horrible opinions on this site, but this is truly the most incorrect. I mean, sites are already pointing out how awful the animation is and then you guys post this.
I’d like to think this whole bankruptcy thing has

As someone who’s caught up entirely with the manga and has seen both the 90s anime and movies... This certainly isn’t my favorite of the bunch, and the first episode alone left bad taste in my mouth.

“It’s no secret that, even for 1997, the original Berserk anime looked bad.”

Complete garbage and an insult to the source material. 97 series and the movies had problems but this is just terrible

I have yet to watch this but that opening is godawful.

As a fan of the manga I’m very, very dissapointed with the fact that they have skipped like 3-6 volumes of manga IN THE FIRST ******* EPISODE...
And no. I’m not talking about Golden Age Arc. That would be another 8 or 9 volumes which were covered in movies or the previous TV series. They are jumping like straight into

It was horrible