
she actually began her career as a comedic actress on Nickelodeon... so it could happen in this one


In an alternate universe, I bet she takes up comedy and totally kills it.

Agreed. Kind of “meh” about the Rihanna one, but all of them were great. The Whitney Houston one wasn’t reaaaally an impression, but it was a nice finish to the sketch.

Still backing up my Soviet interrogation room comment, though.

I’m not sure how I feel about Grande but she totally has my attention when she does her impressions.....on point and soooooo funny

Yeah, uh. No. The term “patois” is widely used in reference to creole languages spoken in the Caribbean, but you said specifically that she spoke Jamaican Patois. Bajan Creole and Jamaican Creole have separate origins and are separate languages; there are similarities but there are substantial differences between them

Okay um . . . Rihanna is not Jamaican. She’s Bajan. Completely different islands. Different countries. Different languages. So . . . I guess you showed them?

That’s just her face. But yes, she’s talented.

Ariana Grande wasn’t on my radar because I don’t have a lot of time for music these days...but damn, now I have to check out her music. I was really impressed with her switching up styles and with her voice. I thought she was pretty damn funny too (keeping that deer in the headlights look the whole way through that