Yup, absolutely. It was awesome!
Yup, absolutely. It was awesome!
I did - I read one of the trade paper backs. I didn't like it mainly because I didn't like any of the characters. They didn't grab me and I didn't care what happened to them. There also was no action that interested me - nothing really fascinating happened that I wanted to learn more about.
A pretty cool episode where stuff happens and the story moves along - always a good thing. A minor point however - Peter blew up the wormhole with an antimatter device that he fired from that shotgun-launcher like thingie. It's the same type of AM device that Etta used to blow herself up in the last episode.
I tried this series but could never get into it. Can somebody explain the attraction to me? I just could not identify with any of the characters on any level. Is it just me?
So, somebody tell me - is it still all about failure? I was really quite depressed by last season's finale. I know that the show is supposed to be all about failure, but I can't spend so much time with these characters and not want them to succeed. It's kind of hard and annoying to watch your favorite characters to…
Kevin Bacon was talking in Russian with the Russian generals. He had a pretty thick accent, but was understandable.
Wait, so how do we know that the Asian dude with the goatee was Deathstroke? Deathstroke is supposed to be a gray-haired European dude that's ex-military special forces.
Yup, exactly. At least the guy looks a little bit like a Russian. And they took a couple of shots of Vodka first - that's how you really know it's a Russian! :-)
Yes, but my point is that he was very difficult to understand. I could barely figure out what he was saying - it's a good thing there were subtitles. It's just amusing to me to hear that sort of stuff. That is when they actually speak Russian instead of Bulgarian or something, and then pretend that it's Russian.
Ah, heh - I didn't realize there was a mob in Russia called "the bros". :-) Not all that different from the gang names Crips and Bloods I guess.
"Bratva" is not Ollie's alias - it's Russian for "Bros" - as in "Brotherhood". I think they meant to use "Brotherhood", but picked the wrong word from the dictionary. BTW, both guys who speak Russian in the episode have horrible accents - although Ollie's is much, much worse.
I think Gary just happens to autistic and an alpha. Neither is the result of the other.
Heh - yup, exactly. In the last season the other characters were a bit more interesting because they were actually characters - they had feelings, problems, issues, their own triumphs and failures, etc. This time around only Kat and Gary have any sort of depth to them - Gary has his autism problems, and Kat has…
A pretty cool episode all around - mainly because they are willing to upset the status quo by changing the individual characters around, killing a bunch of people, etc. The hand-held shaky cam was not as annoying this time either.
Nope. Wrong yet again. I don't believe this will work. I hope that it works.
It also has serious civil rights protections for the criminally insane.
Fuck you squared too, idiot. You have just proven that you have absolutely no idea why you support what you do, can't explain your reasoning, and generally don't have a leg to stand on.
Dilithium on the island would be AWESOME!!! Some sort of mineral that triggers a space race, with the submariners buying themselves a space station? Yea, I would watch the hell out of that show!