
Awesome. Bones with a gun. Karl Urban is a great actor and this description shows why - he does his research! Unlike many directors, actors, and even screen writers.

Yes, I agree - I am just saying that from little I've seen, the coverage and salutations have been pretty one-toned and nationalistic.

This is awesome and amazing. I do wish that it was hailed more as a human achievement than as a national American achievement. Because humanity as a whole benefits from this far more than US alone. And space has historically been a lot about unity and cooperation.

WTF are you talking about? It's non sequitor after non sequitor. Are you complaining about surveillance of the poor martians?

The Curiosity rover is obviously a Twitter follower of Wil, since it twitted "I'm safely on the surface of Mars. GALE CRATER I AM IN YOU!!!"

This is a necessary first step for getting feet on the ground. Large payloads, AI, autonomous vehicles, etc. Many things can be pre-tested and designed here, but some have to be tried out in space.

Never is a very long time. We can't predict everything. Many of these things are merely very difficult using current technology and paradigms.

I am sure they could reset it anyway. The Doctor could split the timeline or something and get a Galifray from before the war. Although the list of Galifrayan weapons sounded awe-inspiring:

After the anemic last season that made absolutely no sense and went nowhere, I wasn't on the edge of my seat. And this didn't do the trick. I am not 10, it's not the 90's, so I am not into dinosaurs. Not to mention that by now dinosaurs and dinosaur people in space have been done to death.

It already has that.

And no, good critics don't just bitch. They give their opinion in a way that makes it possible for people to determine if this movie is for them or not.

You hate the show, but you put up with it because you enjoy going on where fans are and bitching about it

LOL! :-D

Well, if you bring up current events, then Vader is dead. So Deadpool wins by default.

Body parts grow back. Possibly into multiple Deadpools, some of which are even crazier. Deadpool employs a sheep gun. Vader learns to whistle through a hole in his forehead. Game over.

Wow, harsh. Is it that hard for you to skip my comments? Is the existence of people that disagree with you that painful?

Hmm... Well, I found them rather distracting when I was trying to read the text. Do you think it would work better if the pictures were stills while in the text, but when you clicked on them they expanded into GIFs?

Seem io9 has decided you were more important to them then the true fans.

1. If you can't criticize, you can't optimize.

The animated GIFs here are really annoying and distracting. They make it hard to read the text - please don't use them any more. Or at least replace them with cat GIFs.