
Umm... Yea, no, not so much. This doesn't predict climate change - it's just basic statistics predicting record setting events given a random system. Climate change is not random - it has causes and effects, trends, historical data, physics, and a lot of science & computation behind it.

It has been Siffy for me for years now.

let's just leave logic out of this, just this once

#1 is wrong - there is an Elseworlds story where Hitler visits Gotham City before WWII.

Yup, that's a Rob Liefeld face if I ever saw one. You can easily recognize it. And the fists. They are quite awful and distinctive.

The main image for some reason immediately reminded me of the engineering section of a Federation starship. Same general shape on the inside - except of course with the warp core removed.

The only way this could be awesome is if they gave the show to Seth McFarlene. He did an awesome version of the rapture on American Dad. Basically it's a Mad Max future where Stan rides around on a bike with a shotgun, shooting demons. The Antichrist is basically Andy Dick. And of course Roger the alien is around

I was once really bored at the end of my trip to Japan and went to the Parasite Museum in Tokyo. Uggh. Don't do that. Trust me. It's incredibly disgusting and horrible.

Yup, I know what you mean - I am not crazy about this lineup either. The good thing though is that there are so many panels out there that you are bound to find something you like. This just means you won't be stuck in line for hours waiting to get into ginormous rooms with tons of other people just to see a few

Crap. And I already have a hotel room and everything. This is going to suck. :-(

Umm... Yea... This is yet another in a long line of "questionable" web site decisions. Guys, couldn't you create a prototype system, run it on several posts for a few weeks, and then collect opinions? That would save SO MUCH consternation! AND allow you to iron out the bugs. For example, it would have solved

It's the same movie. Here is a link to the original IO9 review:

Umm... Yes? I watched that and read the synopsis. What's your point? Did you read the full movie review on IO9 from a few months ago?

Is this that movie about a guy with Alzheimer's and his helper robot? Yea, going to pass on that one. Alzheimer's is a big fear for me - loss of self and of your mind, gradual deterioration, etc. If you don't have your brain you've got nothing.

Yup, I agree with you on the whole rape issue. Really terrible crap happens. If you never talk about it, it will continue to happen. But don't let players or heroes or whatever rape others. It can be the impetus that sets things off in a (really mature) story or game, but only if it's done properly.

I second (third? fourth?) the opinion presented by others here in saying that it's a good idea to deviate from the Kick-Ass 2 comic book. I doubt that the mind control character mentioned here will have actual real psychic powers instead of just a popularity "clique" level thing. But even if such a character

Yes, I know what you mean. I have similar rules about books that don't have a blurb on the front page or a short description on the back cover. If the publisher couldn't find a couple of interesting paragraphs in the book and had to settle for "recommendations" for the back cover, then the book probably sucks.

Not quite, but from the same batch of countries that Hitler traded to Stalin right before the war - Moldavia.

Yes, I am Jewish (racially, not by religion). And from Russia. And from an area that was occupied during the war. Three times - first by the Russians in 1940, and then by the Germans in 1941, and then again by the Russians in 1944. That's in large part why I've never read (and don't plan to read) any Nazis win

Nice, thanks for the list. I read a couple of them, but not others. I will check these out.