
There is no place on this website for commenters to make reasonable, nuanced critiques about “their” team. Good day, sir.

I agree with everything you say, except that LeBron should have been MVP last year, and every other year. Harden will win it and then the playoffs will start, and James will remind everyone how idiotic the voting is.

‘Member when it was suggested he should start the season in the minors?

You know what gets respect from players? Having a consistent and correct strike zone.

Yankees fans booed Giancarlo Stanton for an 0-5, 5K game. I think Angels fans are a bit more reasonable.

“You know we can see you, right?”

If Pruitt becomes AD, you can bet that one of his first action will be to fire Mueller. Sessions recused himself. I’m surprised Trump hasn’t made this move sooner. When you look at Pruitt, you can see waves of evil emanating off him. I know these apocalyptic times make it easy to slide into hyperbole, but I’m having a

Who the fuck cares? It’s 2018.

I’ll give you the cold dead hands I’m about to eat when you pry them out of my cold dead hands.

We need to get the government out of our stomachs, just like Ronald Reagan wrote in the Constitution. Jesus was a cannibal. READ YOUR BIBLES, SHEEPLE.

BREAKING: Conor McGregor is an asshole, and a coward. Nothing says REAL MAN like attacking a bus with 20 of your homeys.

I’d love to see a street fight between the two. Conor is a good fighter, but Nurmagomedov is terrifying.

And much like the Trumpanzees, McGregor fanboys look at him and think “He’s just like me!” Now, instead of being poor white trash, he’s rich white trash.

White has made it clear that Conor gets what Conor wants. When McGregor blows through all his money he’ll call White, and White will give him anything he wants. McGregor:White::Putin:Trump.

He bought the Steven Seagal starter kit.

Amen brother. That’s what news publications are all about. Not the validity of the ideas, but the way those ideas are expressed in words. Clearly it’s preferable to have a guy defend child pornography in crystalline, immaculate prose, instead of a conservative offering nuanced, reasoned opinions in pedestrian prose.

Did he tell the Baltic leaders that he wants the border in tippy-top shape? And did any of his sycophants bother to explain to him what “Baltic” means, or did they just figure it’s a waste of time? As a failed Atlantic City businessman, he probably only knows it from Monopoly.

I don’t think he’s lying. I think he simply doesn’t know. He’s just making shit up, like he did with Trudeau. He thinks it’s true and desperately wants it to be true, but genuinely does not care if it’s true or not. Of course, now that he’s said it, it IS true to the Trumpanzees.

I literally LOL’ed at this. He’d be like John Larroquette in Stripes, playing with his army men then watching women shower through his binoculars.

You mean the guy that traded gave you Stanton?