
Obviously you’ve been reading the fake news. If you read the real news, you’d know that George Soros paid everyone to be there, and that these kids are all being exploited by Hollywood elites and liberal billionaires to take away the “God-given right” to own guns.

(On a separate note, poor George Soros. Because he’s

Imagine the reaction when they all figure this out.
“Dad, what are you doing at basketball practice?”
“I coach here.”
“No way!”
“Way! Hey, why aren’t you two in school?”
“We are in school. We go to USC. We’re on the basketball team!”
“No way!”
“Oho, wait until your mom hears about this!”

Have you been following the political news? Hiring unqualified people based on family and business connections is all the rage. If it’s good enough for MURCA, it’s good enough for USC! MUSCGA! I expect the father will be as good at his job as Jared and Ivanka are at theirs.

If only Fisher had shown this much attention to detail as a coach. I have an unusual last name, which is spelled exactly the way it sounds. It gets misspelled a lot. My first name is Jeffrey, which also gets misspelled as Jeffery about half the time. What I’m saying is Jeff Fischer can go piss up a rope.

I thought this was a screencap from Raiders of the Lost Ark, when the Nazis open the ark and all their faces melt.

There’s some lovely filth down here.

I doubt a woman would distribute a sword to walking circus peanut who just grabbed her by the pussy.

Or Deliverance.

Whoever wrote this clickbait headline should be stripped down, paraded naked in the street and pummeled with copies of Mike Pence’s bunny book. It’s shit like this that gives bloggers a bad name.

Whoever wrote this clickbait headline should be stripped down, paraded naked in the street and pummeled with copies of Mike Pence’s bunny book. It’s shit like this that gives bloggers a bad name.

Whoever wrote this clickbait headline should be stripped down, paraded naked in the street and pummeled with copies of Mike Pence’s bunny book. It’s shit like this that gives bloggers a bad name.

No, and we don’t care. It’s an opportunity to criticize a middle-class white kid. SEIZE THE OPPORTUNITY.

Sure, blame the teenager for pointing out systemic racism in corporate media. WHAT HAS HE DONE TO HELP THE ROHINGYA?

Please do explain how it’s the same thing.

I’m sure a white, middle-class kid calling himself Kunta Kinte would have gone over like gangbusters.

It is the duty of every TRUE MURCAN PATRIOT to vote for someone who is kinda-sorta from the same party, but not really.

The first priority of any politician is getting re-elected.

I disagree. I will vote for a candidate who agrees with my political philosophy down to the minutest detail. If they disagree with me on any point in any way, I will vote for the candidate that represents everything I stand against. IT’S CALLED LOGIC, LIBTARDS.

You could just read the Bible. LEARN TO REED, MORANS. “And lo, so sayeth the Lord, that wheresoever goeth a bad man with a gun, yea he shall find a good man with a gun, who shall smiteth him, and then retireth to the company of other good men with guns for happy hour at Fat Tony’s Titty Bar and Wings”.

And we know the original Bibles were written in English decades ago, by Jesus and Ronald Reagan.