
You can’t spell, to borrow a line from a nutjob co-worker of mine, CORPORATE STATIST GLOBALIST WHORE without Clinton.

As an American I have to wonder how this bit of wisdom applies to me. Congrats on learning the alphabet, tho.

But you still need sperm, right? I guess there will be more sperm banks, where upstanding MURCAN men can produce their seed in private, while watching Justin Bieber videos or men’s collegiate wrestling.

I imagined doing it twice. Yeah, yeah, I know — I’m going to Hell. Isn’t there some camp or something where I can go to have these carnal urged purged? Who could provide me with information on such a thing...

Yeesh. What if I go into that mindset and never come out? I don’t want to end up like Will Graham and end up in a bromance with Hannibal Lecter. If you’re thinking I just compared the VP of the US with a notorious (but fictional) serial killer: you’re goddamned right I did.

Every time I see him my gaydar goes off like an air-raid siren. If he’s not gay I’ll eat this laptop. Please understand I don’t care if he’s gay, but I do take issue with him going out of his way to make life miserable for gay people because he’s in heavy denial. Imagine how much easier life would be for all involved

Have you ever tried unlocking a codpiece in the dark? Um, well, neither have I, but I think 90 seconds is a generous estimate.

I wasn’t aware this was being debated. If there’s an upside to bringing him back, can someone please enlighten me. Irving is hurt and they’re not getting past LeBron with or without Fultz. (Raise your hand if you fear Toronto... Didn’t think so.)

My boss played the “equally bad candidates” card again yesterday and railed about the liberal media. I’m a teacher. She’s a principal. You expect this shit from the inbred hillbillies that gave us Mitch McConnell, but she has a doctorate.

Lawyers are like Olympic gymnasts. It’s all about the degree of difficulty.

Trump has stated repeatedly that there’s NO COLLUSION, which can only mean one thing: We can add “collusion” to the list of “shit Trump doesn’t understand”.

You show how little you know, libtard. Obviously you’re too poor to afford furniture handmade from rhino horn and panda fur. Get a job, morans.

Bolton is literally evil, dumb as a box of hammers and as proudly ignorant as Trump. I’ll take Satan.

It’s like the Fasterer and Furiouserer franchise. I think we’re on Enduring Enduring Freedom: Freedom Endures.

Bolton may actually be a worse person than Trump, if such a thing is even possible. Like his boss, he is a seething ball of hatred, stupidity and ignorance. He is legitimately crazy, not in the “oho, what a character” way, but in a “kids, go to your room, lock the door and hide under the bed” way. With a psycho like

I know I’m stating the obvious, but the timing of this is comical, considering the *president is suing a porn star for violating an agreement in which she received a six-figure payment to not talk about a sexual encounter that didn’t happen. I see no disconnect here.

“Plant your seed in your good ladywife in the missionary position in the dark. After two minutes of procreation, retire to your separate bedrooms, fall to your knees, pray to God Almighty, and cry yourself to sleep.”

I’ll play along. What would qualify as sufficient evidence in this case?

K-State players are just jealous that the Kentucky players had tee times scheduled with their agents and shoe company reps.

They could have won easily, but the players were anxious to declare for the draft. Ah well, it’s just one less win to vacate at a later date.