
If you start a sentence saying “Not to go all snowflake”, you should probably stop right there.

It would be so much easier for all involved if Pence would just come out of the closet. If he’s not gay I’ll eat this laptop.

Why doesn’t he ride a horse, like he did on his first day at work? Because nothing says REAL MAN like riding a horse in the city with a police escort. Look at this pathetic yahoo.

Let me remind you that his first order of business as SecInt was to overturn a ban on lead ammunition on federal lands. Because that’s what

Of course they do. They’re not exactly subtle or coy. They’re comically inept. The whole lot of them should just walk around with cartoon bags of cash with dollar and ruble signs on the sides.

“Fascism is capitalism in decay.”

Perhaps not, but they certainly would have brought charges, and the shitshow would have dragged on forever, and the LIBRUL RAGS would have feasted upon it, etc. etc. ad nauseum. I was a reporter in Washington during her husband’s administration. Let’s look back wistfully on those quaint times when a president could

Uh, I believe you. I believe yo don’t understand what my point is. Here it is again: The kid clearly sings, “My baloney has a first name... / My baloney has a second name...” Which is what the OC wrote. Muphry’s Law strikes again.

Last guy who can walk unassisted, remember his children’s names and not commit suicide wins.

Bingo. If there’s a silver lining, it’s that we’re having these conversations. On the other hand, DERP DERP MAN’S GAME DERP DERP WARRIORS DERP DERP GOTTA PLAY HURT.

Yeah, this is not the guy to wave the flag for. He is a dangerous piece of shit, and it’s just a matter of time before he ends up on the police blotter, followed by countless “How could we have known?” thinkpieces.

For someone so concerned with his brand and image, he sure is doing a shitty job. If only he had the money to hire people to help him with this.

Come on, let’s be fair. Like the rest of us, Trump must do what his bosses tell him.

I can tell you how this story ends.

Yep, we need to bring in a backhoe to excavate so we can lower the bar even further. It’s even worse than you say, because those who think we should give a shit about our neighbors and (gasp!) total strangers are considered the problem in our current political environment. If these poor people want a tax break, they

America loves the idea of citizens serving their country. When it comes to the actual people actually serving, ah, fuck ‘em in the ear. Perhaps I’m being uncharitable. I see so many MURCAN flags on Facebook on Veterans Day and Memorial Day, accompanied by TOTALLY SINCERE messages like “Thank you for your service!” If

Absolutely. I get the sense that one of the many, many reasons the reich wingers are so angry is that the LIBTARDS are so reasonable. They are begging for a reason to start shooting people. Especially brown people with funny accents. All that matters is what they consider to be winning. It’s not even about loyalty to

If we follow this logic, it’s almost as if the the GOP isn’t being entirely honest when they profess their passion for small government...

People who are not part of the ban are being blocked and deported. A group of students from Afghanistan was denied entry. I could go on.

This is so cartoonishly unconstitutional that any justice who voted to keep the ban should be removed from the bench. Oh, right... there’s no way to do that, unless they retire or die.

The solution is simple. Appoint an council of, say, oh, I don’t know... let’s make it nine experienced and impartial jurists, who interpret the law without political bias. They would be the final arbiter, the final step in the legal process, a Supreme Court, if you will. And for the love of God Almighty, enshrine into