
How dare you suggest that Jim Inhofe, the confused uncle who can’t operate the TV remote and is a frothing-at-the-mouth climate change denier, should not have been until this year the Chairman of the Senate Environment Committee! How dare you suggest that the late Orrin Hatch, God rest his soul, should not be a member

As bad as things are, we have to remember that if Clinton had been elected she would have been impeached by now. Without question. Chaffetz, Gowdy and the other rabid attack dogs were positively salivating at the prospect. And even if she hadn’t been impeached, the MURCAN PATRIOTS on Capitol Hill would have flatly

What is “that” in your similitude?

Two equally flawed candidates, amirite? We only had 70 years of history to draw on. WHO COULD HAVE KNOWN?

Deadspin doesn’t even have a writer who knows college football. Don’t hold your breath.

I have lived and work overseas since 2008. America is a joke now. People don’t want to travel there, work there or do business there. Even so, if the US becomes North Korea v.2, it won’t matter to the reich wingers. Somehow it will be the fault of the scapegoats.

Now playing

Listen to what he sings. If you’re going to say “no one likes a pedant”, you should stop right there. Nothing good can come after. At least you’re right about that. The kid in the commercial is Andy Lambros. Maybe you can troll him for reading the lyrics incorrectly. Stupid kid... 

I know. I came her for the butt jokes and I’m shocked to find none. Where are the real Deadspin commenters? Who are you impostors?

They have all the guns. The reich wingers would love love LOVE for the libtards to hit the streets. Put on your rubber boots and wade into a right wing website comments cesspool. Their tiny little dicks are so hard, thinking about a “liberal genocide” (sic). I think they were actually disappointed Clinton lost. They

Yep, Trump asked for an insane bump in military spending and they gave even more. The biggest threats to the US are cyberwarfare and “lone wolf” tiger attacks. More aircraft carriers and fighter jets will do nothing on either front. But it will make defense contractors and their BFFs on Capitol Hill wealthier, which

I’m just glad Orrin Hatch didn’t live to see this. Thanks, as always, to the good people of Utah for shipping his dessicated corpse to Washington. (And Chaffetz, too!) I was a reporter in Washington during the Clinton Administration, and met Hatch several times. I had conversations (with others) about how it was time

They are looking for a reason. If you wade into the comments section of a reich wing comment section, they are salivating at the prospect of a “liberal genocide” (sic). I think part of the anger we see from the (ahem) “winners” is actually disappointment that Trump won. If Clinton had won it would have justified (in

Yep. Trump is not, like, a smart person, so he hasn’t realized that if he quits he can do the same shit but without all the responsibility. Imagine: He resigns, bemoaning all the “great things” he wanted to do, but couldn’t, because of the OBSTRUCTIONIST DEMOCRATS, DISHONEST MEDIA, CROOKED HILLARY, not to mention poor

Baltimore is famous for crabs, so...

eLite? Is that, like, electronic light beer?

The Cavs have won 11 straight without him. I’m sure they’re willing to give him all the time he needs to get his head together. “Maybe we should talk again after the season.”

As thrilled as I am to see the emergence of the young stars for the Bucks, 76ers and Knicks (!!), the best player in the world is still LeBron James. He’s putting up absolutely absurd numbers — 28.3/7.9/8.7!! —for a team comprised of him and four guys he picked up in a 7/11 parking lot on the way to work. I predicted

Easy now, Creative Writing was the one course he pretended to take at Memphis that he really enjoyed.

And you never see Superman in a sports medicine clinic. It’s all coming together...

My first thought is that he’s needs to spend time off with his legal team.