
No, no, no! It was due to mistrust of coastal elites, fear about the loss of manufacturing jobs, anxiety about globalization and BWAA HAA HAA. I’m just fucking with you. It was racism. An guy who is an economist and a data scientist for Google wrote a book about what we can learn about people from their internet

I hate to be “that guy”, but you put “logic” and “Roy Moore” in the same sentence. Roy don’t need no stinkin’ logic. All he needs is what is he pretty sure is in the Bible and both Amendments, the one about guns and the other one.

You mean, you would be willing to personally sacrifice for the good of the country, for complete strangers and people who don’t share your values? THAT’S UNMURCAN.

I must respectfully disagree. Pence is an alt-right True Believer. I think the GOP would love to have him in office. Unlike Trump he has an agenda and he’s blandly predictable. Like Trump he will rubber stamp anything they drop on his desk.

He’s in on it too. Hopefully he’s on Santa Mueller’s naughty list. <fingers crossed>

I think it’s safe to assume the entire Trump team was in on it. They’rt almost cartoonishly inept at covering their tracks. Don’t forget about Pence! Hopefully the investigation will rope in those outside the White House who are in on it, like Hannity, Nunes and Rohrabacher. I would love for Mueller to burn the whole

Because even though they were gifted with the all-time worst opponent in a presidential election, and even though his election galvanized the opposition, they fucking STILL do not have anything resembling a national strategy or agenda, and are STILL too busy eating their own. Last year we saw that “I’m not Donald

He was never really there, so how will we know when he’s gone? There’s no one left at State to issue a press release. Maybe we’ll know when we see him in street clothes again.

This is how I picture the OC.

A Flynnister always pays his debts.

Have you seen the mental gymnastics the Trumpanzees are doing to get around this one? Whataboutism should be the official religion of the US.

Love these comments. On this very website there is a post about a Belgian Prince, where all the comments are about what a ridiculous anachronism royal families are. (Including mine.)

Congratulations. And thanks for taking a moment to interact with the peasants in the comment section. How are your farts smelling today? I’ll be they smell like roses and sunshine.

Cameron invented new 3D tech for Avatar, which is still the most immersive 3D experience on film. No one has come close to it since. Music has been around for a while too, although I think it has changed a bit...

The boat sinks at the end. There. I spoiled it for you. BWAA HAA HAA

His music sucks, he’s creepy and he’s everywhere. I live in Cambodia and for whatever reason that song is playing everywhere I go. I went to a club last night and they played it three times!

the millisecond not visible by the mortal human’s eye
This is positively Trumpian. There are so many things wrong in these few words I don’t even know where to begin.

Belgium went 589 days without an elected government. I think they can make do without Prince Poopypants.

Maybe America should look into this “no government” thing. The GOP loves *small government! If small is good, then none is better.

Check out other threads on this very website where people are losing their shit because another useless prince from another country is getting married. It is not possible for me to care less. If I started caring a lot, right now, my caring would still be less than zero.

I can’t believe that in the year 2017 no one can explain all this crazy weather. Somebody should study this.