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Yeah, I find the sudden rebranding of Baldwin a bit jarring. His Trump isn’t that good, IMHO, and let’s not forget that just a few years ago HE was the guy known for Tweeting vile, off the wall shit. I’ll let Kim Jong Il have the last word.

If they die, that’s on them. They should be able to get by with, like, two cases of paper towels.

Katrina... Is that the Puerto Rican girl who TERK ER JERBS?

I live in Cambodia, where the per capita income is about $3,000. Oxfam is active here. It should be a national embarrassment that this organization is stepping in to fill the void left by the SOLE REMAINING SUPERPOWER. Instead, it’s #3,441 on the list of National Embarrassments. And that’s just today.

Would Rudy’s dad have loved him if he was good at beer pong?

Don’t let the Rick & Morty fans find out.

I find your comment offensive. If you disagree you’re trampling my First Amendment rights. When Jesus and Ronald Reagan wrote the Constitution they had internet comments sections in mind.

Nazis gotta eat too. Let them have their baked cardboard. More actual food for us humans.

My powdered water business failed spectacularly. Thanks, Obama.

— George Orwell

I find it’s all about having the proper marinade. Otherwise, they taste gamey.

I would prefer we talk about more important curren tissues.

Fundamentalists of all stripes are the same. They know nothing of the books by which they claim to live their lives. “Christians” know nothing about the Bible in the same way that boys who flock to fight for ISIS know nothing about the Quran. To clarify, if it seems like I’m comparing Evangelicals to terrorists,

I go to church every Sunday. During the rest of the week I go out drinking and gambling, beat my kids and cheat on my wife. I am what is known in America as “a good Christian”.

King is legitimately insane. I’ve commented before how I look at him and I hear Dr. Loomis describing Michael Meyers in Halloween. Let us remember that King is an elected official, and he is able to perform these pranks because actual people actually voted for him. Thanks, once again, to the good people of Iowa for

Yes, by the time you realize you’re pregnant, it’s already too late. It’s just plain fucking evil.

Let me note for the infinitieth time that the Bible says absolutely nothing about abortion.

Skyline Chili would be like the Renaissance after the Age of Ignorance we’re living in.

I have a minor in film studies and wrote film reviews during my career as a features reporter, not to mention countless stories about the film industry. Does this mean I’m qualified to write about soccer for Deadspin?

I wonder if he and Gwyneth are in cahoots. TB12: Goop for Men.