
I so wanted to like this book but I just couldn’t get into it. Horrible, horrible writing.

Behold the master race.

Actually, it was due to disgust at coastal elites, fears about the impacts of globalization and BWAAHAAAHHAA. I’m just fucking with you. It was racism.

Let us pause to remember that the “economic anxiety” nonsense was a narrative pulled out of thin air by the media hive mind. Certainly no Trump supporter never put it

I lived in Saudi Arabia. Restaurants have sections for families and sections for men. In the family sections, women can still only interact with male members of their families. Even supermarkets have family-only check out lines. The photo in the story shows women in a stadium in Riyadh with faces, hands and arms

You should try trick or treating at the Coneheads residence. Fried eggs and warm six packs of beer.

You should try trick or treating at the Coneheads residence. Fried eggs and warm six packs of beer.

You joke, but thanks to your dad I’ve never forgotten to keep my eye on the balls.

As with everything Donny Two Scoops, there’s just so much to unpack. He’s ranting about the DISHONEST MEDIA to children. This is one seriously fucked up bipedal mammal. I am ashamed to share 15 percent of my DNA with him.

It’s just too bad Sen. Orrin Hatch didn’t live to see this.

Typical libtard, going on about how great EMPRURR OBUMMER was without any context. You conveniently left out the quotes. In the first photo, he’s asking who wants gender reassignment surgery at taxpayers’ expense. In the second he’s leading them off to Muslim indoctrination camp. In the third he’s demonstrating how to

I’m sorry to differ with you, sir, but Trump is the president. He’s always been the president. (At least it feels that way.)

Rohrabacher is so flamboyantly in cahoots with the Russians he should be walking around with cartoon bags of money with ₽ on the side. He doesn’t even pretend he’s not a traitor. Thanks, Orange County voters, for inflicting him on the rest of us.

If only there were some way to remove him from office in 2018... Let us not forget that the reason we have psychos like Steve King and traitors like Rorhrabacher in office is because the good voters of their states vote for them.

Anyone with that haircut should not be mocking anyone.

“Hold my beer.”
— Ndamukong Suh 

No, it’s Trump. When they make fun of American sports, it’s because the regular season counts for nothing.

Girls tell me this happens all the time. I’m lying, of course. I’ve never felt a woman’s touch.

I live in Phnom Penh, where you can buy a bag of (fresh!) crickets or grasshoppers for 25 cents. Pure protein with a little salt, like popcorn but healthier. Oh, and you can buy cockroaches and tarantulas, too.

I think this is a great move.
I’m an Orioles fan.

Behold, the master race. They say you can’t judge a book by its cover. Sometimes they are wrong. These guys both look like they were voted Most Likely to Stab an Elderly Black Man in their high school yearbooks.