
I agree it’s going to be hi-LAR-ious watching the, um, teams in OKC in Houston fight over the ball and not play defense. Neither experiment will work. So if Curry gets hurt that means the Dubs would have to rely on... the second best long range shooter in the league. If Durant gets hurt, that leaves them with the

Actually, if this is to be believed, Kerr deserves a lot of credit for the team’s offensive explosion. GS won 51 games in Mark Jackson’s last year even though, get this, they didn’t pass. Kerr came into a system based almost entirely on isos. They went from being one of the worst passing teams in the league to the

Or looking at porn on their phones.

She’s gonna grab some McNuggets with some Rick & Morty szechuan sauce.

I’ve dislocated fingers and popped them back into place. It’s not a big deal.

This is clearly a ploy to sell more merchandise for Americans to burn.

This is clearly a ploy to sell more merchandise for Americans to burn.

The driver would prefer that you wait until the bus comes to a complete stop first.

They’re also uncomfortable and attract insects. Not that I would know, of course. Heh. Also, balaklavas taste like shite. I needed a ton of hot sauce to gag mine down.

They’re also uncomfortable and attract insects. Not that I would know, of course. Heh. Also, balaklavas taste like shite. I needed a ton of hot sauce to gag mine down.

Isn’t religion handy? It gives you an excuse to weasel out of anything! I didn’t mean to fuck your wife. The devil made me do it!

Jefferson Beauregard Sessions is evil, in the strictest moral/ethical/religious sense of the word. He is on a crusade to make life difficult for millions of total strangers, and he is enjoyin

We know he met with the Russians and lied about it, which is TOTALLY what people do when they’ve done nothing wrong. And yet here is gutting 150 years of civil and human rights. There’s an awful lot of damage he can do while Mueller is investigating, during which time he should be in jail already for perjury.

A friend got me hooked on the show, but the show’s fans are starting to unhook me. Now it’s a secret society I’m embarrassed to be associated with.

NOW you tell me! I’ve got a Bugatti I’m willing to trade.

I wish I could give this a kajillion stars. Shut down the internet for the day. You win, sir.

You could build a narrative around the facts, or you could fill in the “<team A> didn’t win, <team B> lost” template. Why do Actual Journalism when you can trot out one of the most tired but trusted sportswriter cliches?

We don’t see a lot of WWI vets on this website.

why is the reigning national champion playing on the road on a Friday night, anyway?

And it wasn’t just another school, it was their in-state rival, 30 miles away! The lesson is clear: fake classes good, real classes bad.

I’ll bite: Who should police school academics?