
He is REALLY going to hate going to Cleveland during the playoffs. I foresee LeBron putting up a 40/15/12 line for the series. You think he would have learned while playing with LeBron that you do NOT piss off LeBron.

I had to Google the movie title which the writer uses to establish his bona fides as a movie fan. It’s a Reese Witherspoon bomb? He travels two hours each way to watch shitty movies? Do we find later he’s a foodie who flies to Des Moines to heat up a Hot Pocket?

You think they will be welcome as American citizens? They’ll be treated as refugees. After all, they’re brown people who speak Spanish and come to ‘Murca to TERK ER JERBS.

Because they’re brown people who speak Spanish.

Since the government has chosen to ignore Puerto Rico, I think it’s inevitable we will see an exodus from the island to the mainland. Will they be welcomed as fellow Americans who deserve our help after suffering through a natural disaster? Or will they be treated refugees, another group of brown people who speak

I could get on board with this if this program was being used as training to prepare them to work as firefighters when they get out. I get that they find the work itself rewarding, but from the state’s point of view it’s just free labor.

Pictured: Donny Two Scoops reacting to any newscast aside from Fox.

It’s not clear if you’re using “mad” in the American or British sense, so I’ll say “no” and “a little bit”. It’s also not clear what sense of “fit” or “jacked up” you’re using, so I’ll say “no” and “no”. These guys look like they’d lose an arm wrestling competition with the Venus de Milo. I’m done here. Good luck with

You seem like a reasonable sports fan. As for all the other Sox fans and the 87,000 Boston-based sportswriters, they need a scapegoat. As an O’s fan I am thrilled to see him go.

I’m an O’s fan, so I think Girardi should be fired immediately and Curt Schilling should be hired as Manager for Life.

I’m glad she weighed in. When I have important life decisions, I think, “What would Lindsay Lohan do?” And then I do the opposite.

Heh. As if Donny Two Scoops would “read” any coloring books with words in them. Imagine the briefings he gets.

*literally evil, in the strictest ethical/moral/religious sense of the word

The first one to correctly spell “IQ” gets to push the button to bomb North Korea. It’s fun for the whole family!

Jesus Tapdancing Christ, can you believe the conversations we’re having...

“Tell me about it. He’s completely forgotten about me, and I’ve been doing some amazing things.”
— Frederick Douglass

I’m sorry to differ with you, sir, but Trump is the president. He has always been the president. (At least it feels that way.)

Perhaps one day the participants will become more athletic. Any endeavor you can do with a Big Gulp between your legs is not a sport.

I agree, this is a disturbing trend. The jerseys are athletic. Too bad the participants aren’t! They’re not sports, they’re video games. Lots of people play bingo and fight dogs for money, but just because they’re popular endeavors in which someone can make money does not make them sports. It used to be that “playing

Counterpoint: Hill is a black woman, soooo....

Based on the evidence, yes, they are bad people.