Impressive. You appear both ignorant and condescendingly superior in a two-sentence post. Bravo, sir.
Impressive. You appear both ignorant and condescendingly superior in a two-sentence post. Bravo, sir.
Clinton called the Trumpanzees “deplorables” and got eviscerated for it. She was far too kind. This was never about politics or ideology or education or economics or even race — any of the demographic factors the supposedly LIBRUL RAGS are still, fucking STILL trying to use to explain this collective nightmare. Like…
Similarly, Adam Silver has made it clear that all NBA players must stand for the anthem. I would love love LOVE to see LeBron, Curry, Durant, Harden, Westbrook, et al take on the league.
I woke up one morning in 1984 to find my team had snuck out of town in the middle of the night. (I’m old.) After that I became sort of an interested observer. Now I don’t follow at all. I’m only up on this because every network leads with Trump every night. (I live overseas and this true of every network in every…
“Fuckin A.”
— Tony Romo
Now they’re MURCAS TEEM.
Indeed. With all the money the schools rake in, there’s no excuse for not paying the faculty a living wage. We are talking about paying the teachers, right?
They’re hatred is so disproportionate, it’s almost as if they see it as a black and white issue.
The chair bit was undoubtedly disgraceful but, he was asked to perform. The chair idea was his, but in general he doesn’t make himself part of the conversation like Woods. Let’s also bear in mind that he’s 87 years old. Think about your grandparents and uncles of the same age. Clint seems pretty progressive, by…
I think you’re being unreasonable. You expect people who is handsomely paid to watch football to have the most basic bit of knowledge about the team whose game they’re announcing? This is why I watch sports on mute. Rarely does an announcer tell me anything that I, a casual fan, don’t already know.
I think a Constitutional reeducation program is in order. We should send these folks to, what, the third grade? It’s perversely admirable how they managed to pull in Bataan Death March into a conversation about the anthem. I’ve said it on other threads: We are witnessing the devolution of man.
I expected most of what has come to pass under Kim Jong Trump. But I must admit the explicit support of Nazis bit has me gobsmacked. Protesting during the anthem is direspectful to the troops... but openly supporting our troops went over to fight and die against is ok. Even Orwell is looking down from heaven, thinking…
Usually I want to see a good fight, but in this particular case I want to see Ferguson pound Lee into hamburger. Does anyone understand the tiramisu quote? It reads like it was written in English, translated into Sanskrit on Google, then translated back again.
White could spend more time promoting the best fighters, or spend more time grooming the pubic hair of white fighters with blonde hair who speak English. I wonder which he’ll choose... Remember the Page and Sage event? “Watch two attractive young blonde people who probably can’t fight!”
We live in dark times. This post is about a nasty little orc systematically rolling back 150 years of civil and human rights with malicious glee. He is evil in the strictest ethical/moral/biblical sense of the word.
I have not fallen into a trap. It is something I believe to be true. What makes us human is the ability to rise above our baser instincts. If you choose to not exercise that ability — if you wish ill fortune on total strangers and celebrate when it happens — you are no better than an animal. I stand by what I say. We…
They also want our jerbs.
‘Member when Jefferson Beauregard Sessions colluded with the Russians, then perjured himself? This guy’s skeleton should be at the end of a rotting rope, and yet here is, gleefully rolling back 150 years of civil and human rights. We’re so caught up in his foaming-at-the-mouth racism that we forgot, oh yeah, he’s a…
I’ve made this comment a kajillion times already, but I think kajillion+1 is ok. This was never about politics or ideology or education or economics or even race. These are fundamentally damaged people. They are subhuman, literally less than human. We are witnessing the devolution of man in real time.
He is the walking embodiment of the current GOP. In their minds he’s doing God’s work.