
Cersei wants to rule, and rule forever. What if she marries the Night King?

This is totally what Jesus and Ronald Reagan had in mind when they wrote the Second Amendment.

What about the Unwritten Rules? Goose Gossage is on pins and needles waiting to find out who he should earhole over this.

Using the “enemy of my enemy” axiom, if you have a quarrel with ham, you have a quarrel with me.

It depends on if Kershaw is starting.

Yeah, I’m confused. The sports media hive mind was trying to convince last month that the Dodgers were THE GREATEST TEAM OF ALL TIME ANYWHERE YOU GUYS. Hyperbole is totally not a problem with sportswriting.

Pretty sure Jeets could beat any modern team single handedly, and I mean right now, in street clothes, without even warming up. The 98 Yankees could beat the current Indians, 2017 Warriors, 2016 Patriots, Usain Bolt, Michael Phelps and Secretariat.

Aside from that, they were totally the greatest team of all time, amirite? Friggin’ Yankees fans...

Yeah, that’s just plain weird. If they have a son, will it be Serena Junior, or will they take the George Foreman route and name every child after the father?

They say you can’t judge a book by its cover. Sometimes they are wrong. The smirk, the dead eyes, (the bad dye job), ... I hope she receives a fair trial from a jury of her peers, and when she is found guilty, I hope she enjoys a long, long life in the prison yard. My hunch is that she’ll be popular there.

This wouldn’t make the worst accident in any given hour in Saudi Arabia.

The PR guy was fired after the failure of the “souvenir bleacher colored camouflage tshirt” promotion.

I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: Pruitt is the worst of the Swamp Monsters. There is something seriously wrong with this guy. Look at those beady little eyes. There is nothing going on back there. Every time I look at him (and Steve King) I think of Dr Loomis describing Michael Myers.

If Obama had personally cured cancer the GOP would be forcing everyone to get cancer.

All we need is for Obama to make a public statement telling Americans to stop putting out campfires with their faces.

I just pictured a polar bear sleeping contentedly next to Pruitt’s bloody skeleton.

I would chew off a limb to see her call him “gramps” or even “the distinguished senior citizen”.

She’s 51 but he’s old enough to remember the original apple, and I mean the fruit, not the computer.

That would be disrespectful to a fine actor. He was great as the conservative Amish elder in every movie with a conservative Amish elder.

What’s worse, unbreathable air and flammable water, or SOSHERLIZZUM?