
I get a kick out of the anti-gray comments here. YOUR OPINION ONLY MATTERS IF YOU SPEND EVERY WAKING MOMENT COMMENTING ON EVERY POST ON THIS WEBSITE. Screw you people who have, you know, like jobs and friends and lives and stuff.

Actual quote: “It looks like it could be something that will be not good.” An adult said this about HURKING ERMER, the most powerful storm in history. FFS, who talks like this?

Is it hurricurn or hurking? And how sad is it that I am asking this question? I am personally embarrassed by this. I think we need a Constitutional Amendment to ensure the president is as fluent as my students here in Cambodia.

Scott Pruitt does. That’s when America Was Great. No evil gubment regulations shackling the job creators! I’m pretty sure he pleasures himself to video of the BP oil spill. Excuse me while I go take a shower for two hours.

Just a friendly warning. This is an internet comments section. There are folks who DON’T TAKE TOO KINDLY TO YER KIND ROUND HYEAH, with your highfalutin’ logic and fancypants facts.

This made me as happy as a little girl.

Now playing

Here’s a PSA on how to avoid these situations.

I’m going to miss Manny when he leaves. You can’t even be upset for a guy who leaves for what may be close to a HALF BILLION DOLLARS.

I bartended at a brewpub by Camden Yards in the late 1990s, and Yankees fans would show up in droves to see what a real stadium looks like. Once a particularly Yankee fan-ish Yankee fan asked me “What’s your problem with the Yankees?” I said, “I don’t have a problem with the team. It’s you I don’t like”. He laughed

No Trout?

I managed to score a phone interview with Crichton before the film came out. I was promised 15 minutes but we spoke for about an hour and a half. I was a cub reporter in Washington, and got to meet him at the premiere there. He was 6'9"! He couldn’t have been nicer to me, and the interview gave my career a bit of a

What a great story that would be. An eccentric billionaire buys a huge tract of land in Central America and secretly develops it to be a theme park featuring dinosaurs created in a lab from preserved DNA. He brings in a team of biologists in to show off the park and offer them the chance of a lifetime. To make

I believe the shorthand is MURCAN PATRIOT. And, btw, you forgot gun owner. Or perhaps that goes without saying nowadays.

They want to erase all traces of that uppity negro from the national consciousness. Even someone as bone dumb as Donny Two Scoops is able to grasp that he is a walking refutation of the whole “superior race” mantra. Trump’s visceral hatred of Obama is surely due to him seeing this classy, witty, funny, beloved and

Logic. Heh. That’s cute. Yes, it’s money. They don’t have personal interests in these businesses, of course. That would be unethical! No, they’re just looking out for their BFFs in Big Oil, Big Agro and in this case, Bigly Skool. It’s greed, paranoia, fear, hate... you know, veritable stew of everything that Makes

by page 50 I was like, “Wow, I feel like he and I totally could have been roommates.”

On a completely different note, what is the fuss with Mia Khalifa? I don’t find her attractive and she’s got a terrible boob job. Is it just a forbidden fruit kind of thing because she’s Arabic? (But not Muslim, according to Wikipedia.)

It’s almost as if those who use the “hacked” defense don’t know what it means.

It would have been a waste of time. As if Trump can read! If he is aware of the contents it’s because some lackey drew him a crayon picture depicting the contents. Circle the man who is going to make America great again!

The US tipping system is like British postal codes. It makes total sense to citizens, and absolutely no sense to anyone else.