
Just a reminder that at about this time in his first term, Obama was mired in scandal, too. He put dijon mustard on his burger. If we can get past that, we can get past anything.

Seriously, the Kim Jong Trump Administration produces more outrages before breakfast than Obama did in eight years.

I had this conversation last night. I can’t believe the conversations we’re having. Four Republican Senators said they would vote for Deathcare only if they were assured it wouldn’t pass in the House. Is it normal for politicians to vote for laws they don’t actually want? We’re only six months in...

There’s a “doth protest too much” thing going on here, because the the loudest voices against the LGBT community come from states that watch a lot of gay porn.

I’m shocked, SHOCKED I say, to discover that a guy who is a cross between The Wolf of Wall Street and Derek Zoolander is not the ideal spokesperson for the US government. Because of the nonstop torrent of outrages, we didn’t even have time to discuss how this neckless backpfeifengesicht is in no way, shape or form

“Hold my beer.”
— Vista

Then by all means feel free to take this up with most people.

Then by all means feel free to take this up with most people.

What’s a history book? Is that one of heavy things with all the words in it? Troll someone else, Thucydides. 

He was the worst president by such a wide margin it wasn’t even worth discussing who was #2. Trump has left him behind like Secretariat did to the field at the Belmont. And he’s only six months in...

I hate to be “that guy”, but you used “learn” and “Trump” in the same sentence.

Indeed. I have had this same conversation! I just re-read “The City & The City” by China Mieville. It’s not a dystopia, but it’s alarmingly timely.

Is that you, Mr. President? :)

I emailed the site to ask why I am not allowed to edit my own posts. I got hammered in the comments for an embarrassing autocorrect error. They only allow a perfectly arbitrary 15 minutes, and then your words are poured in cyberstone.

Ah, PC culture... how much blood does it have on its hands? My father served in WWII. He was taken prisoner and tortured for years by PC culture. He escaped and was later bayonetted to death in a trench by PC culture. I had my wallet pickpocketed by PC culture. My friend was date raped by PC culture. A neighbor was

I’ve waded into the cesspool of comment sections on this story, and the other narrative is that she was an illegal immigrant who was certainly guilty of something so thank God our brave men in blue wasted her.

I thought it, but didn’t want to write it, so thanks for being the grammar nerd.

Yeah, I’m calling bullshit. And if you’re such a coward that you shoot a woman in her pajamas who happens to be the person who called the police in the first place because you heard a loud noise, get a job as a librarian, not a policeman.

Now playing

It’s not so much that I want to <finger quotes> kill her, it’s just, I want her not to be alive anymore.

I don’t mean to make light of the situation, only to point out how absurd this argument is. And if you’re such a coward that you shot someone because you heard a loud noise*, police work is not for you.


“Let me know when it’s time to jump on the bandwagon.”

Sorry, but this is a dick move. He’s trying to show up the umpire. Normally I fall into the “I don’t pay to watch umpires” camp but if I were the ump I would have tossed his ass, too.

I wish I had some words of wisdom... I’ve been overseas since 2008, so I’m a spectator and not swimming in that toxic stew. I wonder what my friends tell their children, especially if you fall into one of the demographics targeted by the Trump Cabal and the Trumpanzees. Racism, misogynism, xenophobia, etc., have